Chopping up vegetables for the chickens this morning. Cucumbers, tomatoes and kale. They stay in their run till about 2 or 3 in the afternoon and this gives them something fresh to eat.
I was proud of myself yesterday for finding something I already owned to put under the puzzles to make them easier to see and be mobile too. I remembered I had a big cutting mat. I usually use the other green side and it's all rough and cut up but this black side is unused, smooth and nice.
Candy and I hiked the Tsuga Trail and the Beaver Run Trail yesterday. Such a perfect day. I was in just my tee shirt by the end of the walk it was so warm. Sunny too. I wish I hadn't worn my rubber boots - too hot. I took a lot of infrared pictures yesterday. 11 behind the cut:
We decided to walk the Tsuga Trail in a clockwise direction this time. Always before we've done it counterclockwise. It was neat to see it from a new angle.
There is a bench here. I took this picture from where we sat.
I left the color as it came from the camera here. I was wondering if the IR camera could pick up the intense red of this poison ivy. At least it did pick up that there was some intense color differences happening here.
This is after I got back home when I took the dogs for a walk to the creek. I preserved the color as it came from the camera on this one too. I liked that "dawning" sky even though it looks like it was dawning on the day of the living dead.
The dogs waiting patiently as I stop to take a picture. They are getting to be very excellent at waiting for me, especially with Andy not pulling. I would like them to be good on the leash so we could take them more often to parks.
My shadow, Dave's garden in the background. I liked how Rainy was looking at me. Andy's shadow is in there too. He was standing right behind me.