
Aug 31, 2023 08:19

I got my usual letter from FutureMe this morning. I always get a thrill when I see one in my email. I wrote this one a year ago today. Very encouraging to read. And nothing "bad" has happened in the last year since I wrote it. Here it is:

Dear FutureMe,
Another year has gone by. It was just one year ago that Dave had his heart attack and got 2 stents put in. He's doing good now. This year it was 5 years since my breast cancer and I quit the hormone pill this summer. Yay. I am noticing a lot more dreaming at night now since I quit that pill. That's nice. So many dreams!

Still enjoying my music lessons and loving my old grandfather piano. Found a new kind of song book called "super easy". Has the melody notes for the right hand and just chord letters for the left hand. It IS super easy and I love it.

The summer is winding down but still summer. Jan, Berdella, Nancy and I went on a pontoon boat ride at Wilhelm yesterday. Lovely day, sunny day with puffy clouds floating overhead.

Roswell has graduated from high school and is spending more time up in Erie with his mom now. Sebastian is getting a car soon and he's still working at FedEx and taking flying lessons. Flew his first night flight last week. He's taking many solo flights now.

The year before we had so many mosquitos and this summer practically NONE. That is strange.

I'm regularly taking Rainy for walks at Two Mile - planning one today. I love these walks. I love going with friends on hikes and bike rides but I think my absolute favorite thing to do is hike with Little Rainy. Quiet, I can meditate to myself, I can go anywhere I want, explore new trails. I appreciate that as I'm aging there will come a time when I won't be able to do this anymore. I have to grab it now as much as possible.

As usual I will end this with hopes that you and everyone will be well and strong in this coming year.. Take care,

The changes I notice from last year: Sebastian has a new job now as a fork lift driver at a place over by Sharon now. He's still taking flying lessons. Roswell has a job at Giant Eagle now. I quit my music lessons but am still playing the piano a lot using the Super Easy fake book style sheet music. Now I need to write a letter to FutureMe for next year.

Yesterday the weather cooled off a lot. I took off my hiking sandals and put on my hiking boots for my evening walk with the dogs. Wore a jacket. I am always amazed at how good it feels to wear hiking boots. How secure and strong I feel in them. I usually use a walking stick/cane when I walk outside but didn't take it last evening.

Had to stop a moment this morning while walking back from the mailbox to take this picture. Such a pretty morning this morning. That big tall pink flower in the front of the house is a volunteer Iron Weed. I leave it alone and it comes back every year. I also have a huge volunteer Poke plant growing to the right of that but it got so big it fell over this year.

Jan and I are hiking today. Maybe at Oil Creek. There is a place called Plum Dungeon that might be nice to visit. We haven't been there for a while.

future me, front yard, hiking

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