I know it's overcrowded and filled with distraction but I still feel so good when I walk into to my room first thing in the morning. My space. My homecoming to me. It may be water stained and need a good cleaning but I love that window. Every morning when I come in I want to take a picture of it but most times I don't - because I've already done it so many times - it's been overdone. I do think of things I'd like to clear out of the room to make space for future art mediums but I'm not ready yet. Giving up and saying goodbye to all those years of jewelry work is hard. I don't want to do fabrication anymore but I don't want to say a total goodbye either. I keep thinking I might want to incorporate silver into a new thing so I will need those tools and supplies someday. The push pull of having so many options.
Had many dreams last night. All only half remembered now. About mom and Kathy. Going to Kathy's house. Mom was staying there with her and I was bringing mom in the car with me too. I got there and was looking forward to seeing mom - I hadn't seen her for so long. But first I thought I better check on the mom that I left out in the car. She had been sleeping so I had left her out there with Tensing (our old Lhasa Apso). She was curled up around him and wasn't centered in her seat anymore so I was trying to move her back into position again. She was small and easy to move. I thought maybe I'd just pick her up and carry her in with me. Kathy was at the door holding it open for me so I could just go right in with her. End of what I can remember.
Time. The nature of time. Moving on. Leaving behind. Going forward. New exciting things. Goodbyes. Endings. Beginnings. Always relentlessly going forward.
Our cold snap seems to be over for now. It's 39F now and it's supposed to get up to 45F later. I should definitely take Rainy for a jaunt somewhere. When it's below freezing it's not good for her. Little ice balls form on her legs and get bigger and bigger the longer she's out in the snow. But when it's above freezing, even if she's in snow, she's fine.