
Dec 05, 2022 18:17

Here's a photo spree from yesterday using one of the lensbaby lenses:

In my room.

The wall above my bed.

Christmas cactus blooming.

Roots in water.

Rainy and I hiked at Two Mile yesterday. The spruce forest.

Stopped for a rest. Rainy does not look happy. Earlier someone down over the hill had been shooting their gun. Rainy is so scared of gun shots. It kind of ruins our hike when that happens. She shivers and pants and tries to get up into my arms. They had stopped by the time I took this picture but she never did recover her adventuresome and happy spirit.

Early this morning I saw my doctor to get some papers signed to approve me for surgery on Wednesday. Doctor David (David is his first name - calling him that makes him seem like one of the family) has been our family doctor for such a long time. His mother and father were doctors too. His father delivered me. I think his mother delivered my sister and brother. He's retiring the end of this month so it was kind of sad to say goodbye and thank you for all the care he's given our family (my brother, my dad, my mom, Dave and me) over the years. Though I'm sure I'll probably see him around. I see him every once in the while in the grocery store. We drive past his house on our way to town.

Today Candy and I walked the bike trail by the river in Franklin. Not my favorite way to get exercise. My hips and feet start hurting pretty fast when I walk on pavement but at least it was a beautiful day in a beautiful place. We walked to this camping spot and then a bit beyond before turning around.

Franklin from across the river. It was a beautiful sunny day today - yay.

candy, franklin, lensbaby trio 28 sweet, bike trail, doctor, mask, walking, my room

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