Talked to Johnny yesterday and he's going to send us a laptop he has with a bad screen that Dave can use like a desktop. Computer problem solved for now.
Candy and I had a really good hike on Oak Hill yesterday. There are so many nice woods roads from the logging that they did a few years ago, plus people in the neighborhood have been riding their four wheelers around and making more trails. I'd like to go back by myself sometime and just explore, not have to worry about going somewhere in particular. The woods are so beautiful right now.
I tried eco printing again yesterday. I think I'm getting it now. Dave shaped some bricks so they'd fit better into my cooking pot and that really helped too. Here's some pictures of the process:
I did it outside this time. A good idea because of all the little bugs and spiders hiding in the flowers. This way I could shake them out before I put them into the stack of papers. I also put a screen on the bottom of the pot so that the lower level of flowers didn't scorch onto the bottom.
I added a tea bag too along with the cup of vinegar in the water just to add some more color.
I had less damaged papers this time. It was a gentler method with just the weigh of the bricks on the stack and the screen protecting the bottom of the stack from the heat. I think I will continue with this method if I do it again. The only thing I can think of to improve things is that I might try an iron or copper mordant next time.
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Watched the movie Cyrano yesterday on DVD. I'd been wanting to see it ever since it came out last year. I wish I could have seen it in the theater. It was so good! Of course I love Peter Dinklage. This song sung by the men just before they go to battle made me cry. If a movie makes me cry it gets 5 stars.
Dave and I go to Slippery Rock for my EMG for the carpal tunnel this afternoon. I dreamed last night that when I went for the test they asked me to take my glasses off and then they lost them. I spent the rest of the dream searching the hospital hallways for my glasses so I could see again. I hope they find out something good and useful from the EMG today. Perhaps they'll find out something about my right shoulder that has bothered me for so many years. I can't help but think it's all somewhat connected.