
Sep 08, 2022 07:16

Dave and I started making green tomato relish last night. The chopped tomatoes, peppers and onions are supposed to sit overnight in salt before we continue. Hopefully today when I get back from my hike with Jan in the afternoon I'll have energy to continue with it. Many times I just end up taking a nap when I get back.

I had a dream last night where an old friend was telling me all the reasons why they don't like me anymore and that they never really did like me, ever. I'm just an all around terrible person. Woke up trying to figure out where that came from. I'm not one for reaching out much and calling people, or keeping up with old friends. The last time I called this person it was their birthday last year (or was it the year before?) and they were kind of abrupt and wanted to get off the phone quickly. Maybe it's time to reach out again. It's hard to believe they are really done with me and that the dream was true. We had some wonderful, close times in the past.

Sunny days for the next three days. The rain is done for now. Music lesson tonight.

dave's garden, dream

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