Now that I have a car again that I can drive places I did get out to Two Mile with Rainy yesterday and it was so good. I hadn't been for a couple weeks and I missed it. Here's a bunch of pictures, mostly of stuff you've seen before but now on a new day:
Joe Pie Weed and Tiger Swallowtail.
The folks who maintain the bike trails.
Rainy says come on - haven't you stopped and taken enough pictures.
Bright orange fungus on a hillside.
I liked this dotted tree.
I returned by way of the access road.
Right at the moment I took this picture a deer jumped up and took off running to my right and Rainy was looking at it.
Going to Berdella's for women's group today. Taking my lucet and some yarn. I've come up with an idea to add embroidery to plain colored cords but I want to make a few more of these striped cords first. I got a pack of 6 variegated yarns a while ago and wasn't sure what to do with them but I like how they make a nice stripe with the lucet.