Still struggling with the lucet. I can do the braid where you turn the lucet for each new stitch pretty good but the weave where you work with it facing front ways all the time is unacceptably uneven. I don't like learning from youtubes that much. I prefer a book. The book I have isn't that good in my opinion.
I need to go to my orthopedic surgeon's office today and get my records so I can mail them to the doctor down in Pittsburgh for a second opinion of my hand numbness. This is all so stupid. I saw them back in June about this and they said they were faxing stuff. But they never did. The people down in Pittsburgh didn't know anything about me till I finally called them myself last week. I guess I'm concerned that the nerve damage is going to be permanent because it has been going on for so long. What if it is permanent? I have been living with it for 6 months now so I know I can survive with it. But life is unpleasant. I go to bed a lot and try to sleep just to escape it. The pins and needles become so bad that I have to stop what I'm doing. If I give it a little rest (change of position) I can continue again later (writing or drawing, eating, biking, driving, holding my phone while I'm in bed, using a mouse). I am living. And I will keep living no matter what. I'm capable of adapting. I have adapted to this for now. I don't like it though.
I need to just say... I don't write here because I want advice. I write to vent. I want to see my own thoughts written down. I want to be able to later see what I was thinking about back at such-and-such time.
Yesterday Candy and I were bike riding up by Meadville and we passed an old guy with his dog and he had to yell out at me as we passed that I didn't have my bike set up right. My seat wasn't high enough for me to get maximum use of my leg muscles. I have my seat where it is so that my feet reach the ground when I come to a stop. It's safer for me that way. That's why I bought this particular bike. The pedals are set farther forward than your average bike so I can do that. Then I made the mistake of stopping to talk to him and told him that. He *laughed* at me. Silly woman. He had to be right in his advice. Afterwards I told Candy I hope we never see him again. He doesn't even know me and thinks he can dispense advice to me on the fly. I find most advice unwelcome even at the best of times. Unless I have specifically asked for it. Maybe that's just me but I don't think so - most people do not appreciate unsolicited advice. Even though I know that, I still do it sometimes. I want to keep remembering that.
Here's some pictures from yesterday:
From a bridge where we stopped for a rest. In other seasons you can see a little stream running down the middle.
My bike. We had stopped at another bench for a rest and I had taken this photo before my encounter with the old guy. I like my bike just as it is. I got that new bag for it last week. It hangs low in the middle and gives a better center of gravity. I'm liking that much better than having a basket on the front.
So today - after visiting the doctor's office to get those files I'm hoping I can get a hike in at Two Mile - I'll already be half way there. And I need to do shopping too...