
Jun 16, 2022 07:12

I dreamed last night that I was rescuing a handicapped little person. A group of us had to get into a boat and I was in charge of holding her and keeping her safe. A child. Limp. She couldn't talk. I held her across my lap and her head was in the crook of my arm. Staring up at me. I had doubts that I could protect her adequately. I was trying my best. Steve Carell was a character in the dream. Leading us to safety. The boat captain. Transferring into the boat and out again at the dock were the most difficult times. That's all I can remember.

Summer heat has arrived. Usually it doesn't get like this till mid July. Yesterday the heat index was 103. We've been running the AC in the kitchen for 2 days. There is a fan in the kitchen doorway blowing the cool air into the living room. I'm going to set up a fan in the hallway today to blow it even farther back to the bedrooms.

I remember as a kid it used to be enough in the summer to have a fan in a window and during the night we would suck the cool night air in. Then in the morning we'd shut the house up and it stayed cool (livable) till late in the afternoon. In the evening we'd go outside.

I do love summer though. In spite of the heat. I love living in shorts and sandals. I love walking out the door first thing in the morning and the temps are perfect - no need to add a jacket. Sitting on the back porch in the morning writing in my journal, watching the little wrens flitting back and forth feeding their family. Listening to the mourning doves in the pine trees. Crows farther away. Misty air. Dew on the grass.

My plans for today: get my 2 bikes road ready and clear a spot in the basement so I can easily put them away. And get Dave to help me put the bike rack on the car. Summer is biking time.

biking, summer, dream

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