It's again time to clean house for a family get together. I am guilty of only cleaning when I HAVE to - before company comes. Thank goodness Dave is kind-of the same way so he doesn't bug me. But if company never came would I never clean? That's kind of scary to think of. I was at my best when I was taking care of mom and the visiting nurses came a couple times a week. I never knew when something could happen and they might make a surprise visit. I was very diligent about cleaning back then. Had a weekly routine and followed it. The house was always ready for scrutiny. I would probably do well to have a cleaning person come in every fortnight. That would spur me on to clean for them. At least to declutter and redd up before they cleaned. I have my list of things to do today and tomorrow morning - clean the bathroom, sweep, vacuum, declutter and cooking/baking too. I'm making a pie and deviled eggs which I can make ahead of time. Easter dinner is at noon tomorrow.
I did do "morning pages" written in long hand this morning. My gosh though, before I even got to a quarter of a page my hand went numb. I can still use it when it's numb but it aches a lot. Typing on the laptop keyboard here is so much better. Wondering if I held the journal on my lap, lower than table height (like this laptop is), maybe it would not make my hand numb. I know that helps when I crochet. I will try that tomorrow.
Raining. Maybe that's another reason my hand aches so much. I definitely think I have become one of those people that weather affects.
"Even the Flowers Carry the Knowledge of their Future Demise"
Though actually I don't think they do. That is a human issue. Flowers bravely go on and "do their thing" the best they can in whatever circumstances they find themselves with no thought of tomorrow.