
Mar 16, 2021 07:04

Decisions, decisions. I have kept the chickens cooped up in their run since last fall when Cleo was killed and then a week later Little Comfort was attacked by the same hawk. In the beginning I think they were glad to be kept in and knew it was safer there. Then winter came and it was all ice and snow and frozen ground - nothing to eat outside anyway. Now with spring they are getting fed up with being shut in. They are picking on each other and the feathers of certain birds are raggedy from the pulling and biting. They aren't violently attacking each other - more like quietly pulling at each other. I don't hear any fuss being put up. Back when we had the ISA Brown chickens certain ones of them were very cruel and there was squawking happening when they attacked the others. The ISA B's are all gone now so it's much calmer in there. Still, I don't feel like it can go on this way with them shut up together so closely. I wanted Dave to build a bigger run for them - thinking that was the solution - but now I don't know. Is that the kind of life I'd want to live - in a big(ger) cage, never to be free to explore? Chickens are so happy roaming all over the yard, scratching and looking for bugs. Is it worth it to them to be safe in a cage but be picked on by their fellows? Selfishly I like the eggs and the less chickens that survive the hawk the less eggs I will have. Should I just figure I will get a new batch of chickens every couple years to replace the ones the hawk takes?

If I had a rooster then they might be safer from predation but then the vegan boys wouldn't eat the eggs and I really like it that I can provide protein to my grandsons. They've only agreed to eat my eggs because they think they come from "happy" chickens. Are the chickens happy if they can't roam freely?

Anyway: today. Another day to be sorting through gems and jewelry elements. We could get some rain but it still might be a good day to take the dogs down back. Piano practice and crochet. Planning to make chili again. Dave needs to get an EKG for an upcoming procedure and I might ride into town with him for that.

That would be nice.

decisions, daily life, chickens, vegan, dave, daily walk

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