
Nov 08, 2020 07:55

The question:
8 Who are the three people you spend the most time with each week? How do these people affect you?
I spend the most time with Dave. I feel supported by him. Probably the next person I spend the most time with is Candy because we go on long walks - many hours every week. We get talked out covering details of the last week which is good and I'm tired physically afterwards. Lastly I spend hours with Jan too though we don't go on quite as long walks. Hiking with Jan leaves me feeling good always. Sometimes when I get home I just want to keep going. Get back out there right away after a rest. I'm energized. Now, if we could count animals as people I spend more time with Rainy than anyone else. I adore the little thing. She makes me smile.

Rainy and a lovely bright bush in the woods yesterday. In the afternoon Sebby and I took her to Two Mile Run. Just a quick little 2 mile hike. Up over the hill on the northeast corner and then back to the car by way of the gas well road. The trees have pretty much all lost their leaves. Only a few oaks are holding on, and this kind of bush.

I must admit that I loved to hate Trump and part of my enjoyment (if you can call it that) - entertainment - of the past 4 years was ridiculing him and being aghast at what new stupid, outrageous thing he had said. He was entertaining - you have to give him that. I will need to get used to a boring, normal (non-lying, non-blustering, non-frightening, non-disgusting) leader. It WILL be so great to not have craziness everyday! The Rump was the most watched person in the world for a time - maybe that was all he ever wanted. I doubt he will just "go away". He loves the limelight too much. But at least he won't be our nation's leader soon. Thank goodness for that.


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Jules showed me this last night. So funny.

autumn, 2020 366 questions, cats, relieved, politics, funny, rainy, sebastian, dave, hiking

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