The question:
7 Would you rather be a member of a world championship sports team or be the champion of an individual sport? Which sport would you choose?
Part of a team, because it would be more fun that way. Which sport? That I don't know. I'm not into sports at all. The first thing that comes to mind that I think would be very cool to be able to do would be a figure skater, but that is an individual sport...
I'll be glad when this year of questions is over. But at least it got me to write something on LJ everyday. I'm already thinking about what I'd like to do next year as an everyday thing to keep me sitting down to write each day. Maybe keep up with the art-a-day but be more vigilant with it. Or do a daily photography project?
Yesterday evening while driving home past the court house Dave had to go by a Rump Mob. He wasn't sure what they were shouting because he had his windows up. They were on both sides of the street with american flags and trump flags on poles, spilling out onto the street and they were waving the flags and poking them at cars as they went past. Crazy.
Foggy morning. It's supposed to be another beautiful day today. Can't wait to experience the woods - later - when I get done with OA and shopping.
Aha! I just thought of something to do in 2021 that I've been wanting to do anyway. Get out my big box of words and maybe I'll choose 5 each day as a writing prompt. See what happens with that.
I originally made this box of words back in the day when we had our Women's Writing Group. I went through a small paperback dictionary and picked out words that I liked and put them on little pieces of index card. One word on each side. Even for a small dictionary it was a lot of words. We used to use them in group as writing prompts. I've been missing that.
Surely there will be something I can write about at least one word each day next year. Today (from those 5 words above) I could write that I hope the rump movement soon implodes. It probably won't. There is something in the people who love what Trump represents and that will still be there after The Rump is gone. I really hate that I live in an area where there are so many of those kinds of people around us. I went to school with them and knew them then as my classmates. I have decided I don't want to go to the next class reunion next year (50 years!). I have the envelope with the form to return (just in case I change my mind) but no, I don't want to see those people. They are the main ones that will be there. At the last class reunion I decided I would make the rounds and talk to each person there. Just say hi and learn a bit about them. I did get caught up in the social aspect of it and I personally tried to be kind and interested in everyone. I guess I did enjoy myself, sort of. But after leaving it I really couldn't see the point of it. I really didn't "connect" with anyone. I don't want to put myself through that again. I was an outsider when I was in school and my views now are still outside the norm (for around here).