
Oct 31, 2020 08:40

The question:
31 What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
I'm not a fan of scary movies, or even tense scenes in movies. Many times I have to get up and leave the room when the music tells me something bad is going to happen. I watched it long ago but I remember The Shining was pretty scary.

I had a very full day yesterday. After Sebby, Rossy and I got back from Bradford Hazel wanted me to go shopping with her in Meadville. Originally we were supposed to go to Walmart but I talked her out of that and it was just Giant Eagle. Giant Eagle enforces everyone wearing a mask and I appreciate that. The last time I was in Walmart over half the customers did not wear masks. They have given up any semblance of making sure things are clean there. The way things are around here you basically HAVE to go to Walmart to get certain things but I think from now on I will wait till very early Sunday morning to go in there. The grandkid's mother who lives in Ohio now has covid like symptoms. They have no vehicle so I doubt she will go to get tested and will only see a doctor if she becomes deathly ill. I imagine many covid patients get missed (not counted, not tested) because they can't afford to go to the doctor or to the testing centers.

My day today: OA, pick up bread that Dave special ordered from Giant Eagle, maybe a hike (finally the rain has stopped!) and then I'm making vegan chili and inviting the Vegans Who Live Next Door over for dinner.

2020 366 questions, covid-19

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