
Jul 07, 2020 07:43

7 Which art movement best describes you today (e.g. surrealism, dada, impressionism, etc.)?
Probably Expressionism. I've always wanted my art to express something - tell something - express how I feel.

I didn't get to sleep till about 3 am last night. Which was strange. Just couldn't fall asleep. I watched netflix on my phone till about 1 in bed and then went out to the living room and continued watching while I drank a Sleepytime tea. I've been watching Shtisel. It really speaks to me about how families, and others, try to control us. In some cases others, as they look on from the outside really can see what might be best for us and we are too stubborn to see it. We are blind to it. And then there are times when others are seeing what would be best for them and they are trying to push that on us. It seems so right to them. But they don't really know us. Constant push pull. Push = outright trying to control. Pull = trying to slyly coerce others without them realizing it. I try to not do that push pull but I still catch myself doing it. Or I'm resenting others doing it to me. It must be built into us as social animals.

Today our annual GP check up appointments for both Dave and me. They cancelled them back in April when the covid started. I'm not concerned about anything. It seems an inconvenience to have to go at all. Both Dave and I lost our slips for blood work so we will have to do the blood work after the appointments. There might not be much to discuss during the appointment without that.

It's only supposed to get up to 91F in the early afternoon today and then the temps will be coming down with possible thunderstorms. Good. It was stifling around here yesterday. This house gets very hot and muggy with only one small AC window unit in the kitchen.

2020 366 questions, doctor, thinking, hot, weather, summer

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