
Apr 19, 2020 07:12

Good morning. Sunday again already.

The question:
19 What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read this week?
I finished "Grandma Gatewood's Walk". I think that got me spurred onto more hiking ideas and thinking about how to do that. I really appreciate all the work that trail developers have done for the rest of us so we can easily have these wonderful experiences in the outdoors. Reading online about the hiking trails in Ohio and in particular the Grandma Gatewood Memorial Trail was probably the most interesting (to me) thing I read.

I had a busy and fruitful day yesterday. Cleaning up the bathroom after the chicks made a mess in there got me rolling on a lot of other cleaning. I changed the bedding in our bed, swept the whole house and vacuumed the bedroom and my studio thoroughly. I even got out the other vacuum with the hose and did under the bed and in the corners.

I dreamed last night that I and my sister were taking care of my mom at the end of her life. She was 100 years old in the dream and a tiny thing, easy to lift and carry. As it did in real life at the end, in the dream her mind went in and out and sometimes we could have conversations with her and other times she didn't make sense. The dream felt comforting. A chance to visit with mom one more time and I knew she loved me and that she knew I loved her. I can't remember much more of it than that now.

I came across a video with a nurse comparing masks and found a new design which I'd like to try. I might do that today.

2020 366 questions, cleaning, mom, hiking, dream, books

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