
Mar 28, 2020 12:18

The question:
28 What characteristic do you most dislike about yourself?
Oh dear - how uncomfortable. Right now I feel rather selfish. Not really doing anything for anyone else. Not giving any money to all the many charities who are asking right now. I have thought of giving to unicef and might do that today. That might assuage my guilt a bit. I guess the gift I can give others right now is to stay home and stay healthy.

I went to my OA meeting this morning (conference call). Six of us there.

I'm having all kinds of symptoms of dis-ease right now. Sinus headache, canker sores in my mouth, heart racing, tiredness. I thought last night that I should move out of our bedroom so Dave wouldn't get what I have, which is probably a common cold. I changed the bedding in our bedroom (so Dave would have a clean start) and got my studio room bed ready to sleep in. But he insisted he wants me with him. We have gone through many colds together over the years. We give up kissing but that's it. I guess we'll go down together. Baa - I hate thinking this way. It is why I'm having all these stress symptoms. Hate it hate it hate it. I've always thought in an end of the world scenario that I would be one of the first to go down. I don't have it in me to fight. I might fight for someone else but not for myself.

I'm a downer.

Raining today, all day. Supposed to get a thunderstorm later.

I think I will go back to bed. Maybe when I get up I'll have a brighter outlook. I am looking forward to tackling a new Tunisian crochet technique. And there is always reading to look forward to about a brave woman my age who walks the AT alone.

One day at a time.

headache, rain, covid-19, self doubt, overeaters anonymous, thoughts, stress, common cold, depressed, blaa, tunisian crochet, dave, tired

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