jurby doobie

Feb 17, 2020 19:58

Those were the words that came out when Dave tried to say jury duty. It just seemed so funny that we laughed and laughed. I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it.

We (Hazel, Dave and I) ended up going out to dinner tonight at Hosses. Coincidentally that was John's favorite place to eat. Hazel suggested it first and then it seemed like a good idea. It was only later that I remembered John. We never eat at Hosses anymore - it has been 10 years I bet.

Here's my picture for the photo challenge - the word was Refresh:

Pictures from Candy's and my hike today at Oil Creek State Park:

Lots of big rocks all around on the path up the hill.

Someone made a nice pile beside the trail.

Challenge Yourself - on the box where you sign in to the trail. They put these waterproof boxes about a mile from the trailheads. We usually like to read what people write in the tablets and see the dates. Generally we write something about what the weather was like and how it was a great day to hike! Didn't write anything today though... But it was a great day to hike.

A spot where you can see across the Oil Creek Valley to the tableau on the other side.

Coming back down to the car by way of a little dirt road with no winter maintenance. Coming back this way made a loop of the hike. The car tracks were slippery to walk on. Had to stay on the sides, or right in the very middle.

john, oil creek state park, candy, hazel, dave, daily photography challenge

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