i guess i'll give it a try too

Aug 25, 2019 11:09

1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? Coffee. Trail mix that I mixed myself - cashews, almonds, chocolate covered raisins, yogurt covered raisins, m and m's, pumpkin seeds, sesame sticks.

2. Do you sleep naked? No. Pajamas or light nightgown depending on the season.

3. Worst physical pain in your life? An attack of pancreatitis.

4. The 1st bone ever broken? Pelvis (crushed into many pieces) and hip in a car wreak in 1978.

5. Favorite place you have ever been? I like many places. I like where I am.

6. How late did you stay up last night? 11.

7. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be? If we had unlimited funds I would like a winter house in Bradenton, Florida so I could see my sister more. Also I think it would be great to have a cottage back in the woods somewhere so we could let the dogs run loose and the cats outside.

8. Which of your LJ friends lives the closest to you? justapostcard Nancy.

9. When was the last time you cried? When Dave was gone to Canada last month. Had myself a pity party.

10. Who took your profile picture? I did. It was at an art installation. The artist had hundreds and hundreds of eggshells on the floor that you were supposed to walk on. It was entitled "Walking on Eggshells".

11 . What's your favorite season? Late spring and early summer.

12. If you could have any career what would it be? I wish I had done better as an artist.

13. What was the last book you read? I am still reading Cold Comfort Farm. I can't remember the last book.

14. If you could talk to anyone right now, who would it be? Mom, Dad and John.

15. Are you a good influence? Most of the time.

16. Does pineapple belong on pizza? Yes, that is my favorite topping. I like it with mushrooms and onions.

17. You have the remote, what channel will you be watching? I like not having cable TV. I like just having netflix discs to watch. Right now we are watching "Psych" and I like it. I like to laugh.

18. Last concert you attended? Can't remember very well. Official concert, not just being present while someone plays music? Dylan around 1990.

19. Favorite type of food? Chinese, Thai, Mexican. Something vegetarian.


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