Candy and I biked from the parking spot on Fisherman's Cove road to Belmar this morning - about 9 miles in all. I'm still "hardening" my butt on Barnebey. After having it so easy riding the recumbent trike last year I'm finding sitting on a bike seat again something that needs to be gotten used to. It was a glorious morning this morning. Sun peeking out between clouds.
Everything is greening up.
Other than that not much happened today. I came home and was tired after eating lunch. Took a nap in the shed. Feeling very lazy.
Rossy come over and said he was weed whacking and heard a car honk out front. A chicken was on the road, coming back from the other side of the road. So far (till today) no chicken has ever gone on the road - this is a first as far as I know. The traffic is very steady and cars go 55 mph or faster out there. I thought the chickens knew it wasn't a safe place to be. Now I'm a little concerned. But I'm not going to cage them up - that would be cruel - they love to roam the yard and scratch. I guess they're are on their own with this - if they end up getting hit it will be too bad. I hope they don't cause an accident with someone trying to avoid them though. I just now put out some seeds to get them back by the house again.