
Mar 19, 2019 19:13

Spending time fantasizing what I want to do when the weather gets better. When spring gets here. I want to clean out the old goat shed and repaint it. Fix all the holes where the squirrels and spiders get in. I ordered a plastic ukulele that I will be keeping in the shed so I can practice while I'm there. I will also keep my penny whistle there. A place where I can play it and not bother others with its (sometimes) shrill sound.

Salamander under ice. We saw this little guy yesterday trapped under a thin sheet of ice in a big puddle at the Kennerdell Tract. Tom, Candy's son went hiking with us and saw him first and called us over to see. There were 2 other salamanders under the ice we could see in the little pond. Probably more that we didn't see. I can hear robins quite clearly in the morning when I go out for chicken chores. The world is waking up.

We went on the Window Trail hike. That is the longest hike that I usually go on - over 6 miles. Last time I went it was with Sebastian last fall and my heel spur acted up terribly. Could barely walk for days and the heel bothered me for weeks, maybe months. This time it was fine - though I was tired and my hips and knees were getting sore by the time we got back to the car.

Fantasizing too about cutting my hair. I think I want to cut it pretty short. I've been wearing it in a pony tail lately, getting the feel for shorter hair. Seeing how I would look with my new glasses and short hair. That truly would be a very different look. I'm wanting something different. Wanting life to be different. I've asked people what they think of me cutting my hair and everyone says no. Dave says no, don't do it. Chloe says no. Hazel says no. I guess I will keep up with the pony tail a while longer and just see. I don't have to listen to anyone but me, but I need to make sure it is really what I want before I do it. The last time I cut my hair (short) was 18 years ago and I didn't keep up with it at all - just let it grow back out again.

I ordered a set of gouache paints and a special travel pallet to carry them in. It's probably just another of my fantasies but I can see myself painting more in the future. There is something about the way gouache can be painted opaquely over earlier layers that appeals to me in a way that transparent watercolors don't right now.

Today was Dave's eye poke day and I sat in the car waiting for him for most of the 2 hours he was in the clinic. But first I went shopping at the Meadville Giant Eagle hoping to find vegan mayonnaise. It's hard to find, unless you want to spend lots of money on shipping and order it online. Or make it yourself (which I don't). I need it for the egg sandwiches I make for the grandboys for breakfast. The Franklin Giant Eagle used to carry it but they quit. I did find some at Meadville. Then I drove back to the eye clinic and sat in the car practicing my ukulele. After I got all practiced up I read my book till Dave came out. I'm reading a book that I've heard others here on LJ talk about, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Anne Fadiman. It's really good. I've been very lackadaisical about finishing books I start but I've been sticking with this one.

ukulele, tin whistle, candy, glasses, tom, plans, late winter, spring, kennerdell tract clear creek forest, hair, goat shed, vegan, fantasies, books

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