Added to
my MARYBIRD etsy shop today:
It is getting exciting that soon - in about a month - we will be going to NEW YORK CITY! Making plans and things are solidifying what we will do.
Not much to report today - worked a bit on some enameled jewelry this morning and then worked on business stuff (getting that pendant ready to post to etsy and other bookwork). I am helping Mara make business cards for her big art show tomorrow too. Mara's sister Ashley is putting a fashion show together in Pittsburgh at the "Olive or Twist" and the models will be wearing my jewelry and Mara's paintings will be on the wall. No shed or cleaning work done today. It rained a lot here. We watched the documentary about Noam Chomsky - "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media". Well, nothing new to me there - I have NEVER trusted the media to tell us the truth.
I am over at mom's again posting this - stupid internet at my house!