Back porch picnic table typing.
Dave and I went to Walmart tonight and I saw a little keyboard that would work with this iPad for under $20. I love it - I love typing anyway and now I am not stuck in my room to do it. If I can just figure out how to make a photo the perfect size (that I like - 11” wide by 8” high) I will be ready to use this iPad for most of my daily internet-y stuff. I think the above photo is probably close to what I like, though I will need to check it when I get to my real computer later.
We went to Walmart in Dave’s truck. My car definitely has a leak of some kind in the cooling system. Not surprised that it has problems. It’s getting old. Dave says that we will drop it off tomorrow morning at the garage so they can look at it. I would be glad to keep the old Kia going a while longer. Not looking forward to having to get a new car. I hope they can fix it.
Yesterday while hauling brush to the fire I must have got a tiny splinter under my fingernail. Hurts today.