Aug 30, 2018 09:13
My breakfast: instant oatmeal, walnuts, blueberries and dark chocolate chips. I should have left off the chocolate - too rich. It sounded good to me when I was making it but I won't do that again.
Earlier this morning I made breakfast for the grandboys. This is their first week to be back to school and I was glad that they wanted me to make them breakfast again this year. I try to make something with our chicken's eggs. Fried egg sandwiches, skillet fry (potatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms and eggs), egg salad sandwiches. I think this year I will start to make some quiches too. The thing is they are strictly vegan except for our chicken's eggs so if I make quiche it will have to be with fake cheese - yuck. But they are used to it so it will be fine for them.
Dave is clearing the old goat pasture next door. In the 15 (?) years since I had a goat in there it has grown up terribly in all kinds of thorny vines, weeds, poke berry bushes and little trees. A big mess. And to make it worse the goat pasture was where my dad had his TV antennas. He had about 5 different antennas in there with guy wires. Over the years as the antennas fell down the guy wires got covered by brush and grass and it is very hard to find them. The jagger bushes are twining through the fence and it is hard to get the fence taken down too. I helped Dave a little yesterday dragging brush to the fire in the middle of the pasture and Sebby helped too. Stupidly I was wearing sandals and after a while I got a thorn in my foot, plus my heart was acting funny so I quit after about an hour and limped home. Sebby stayed on - he's a good boy (young man).
Getting frustrated with Rainy and her house training. For instance. Last night I fed her and then took her outside after about 20 minutes. Waited and waited and waited for her to go poopy. No poopy. (She did go pee nicely.) Took her in and had her on her leash so I could keep an eye on her. Later after watching a show, before I went to bed I took her out again. Waited and waited another 1/2 hour for her to go poopy. Nothing. We came in and went to bed. This morning first thing I take her out and she pees (good! - the peeing is going well). Came in and made her breakfast, took her out after 20 minutes and waited and waited and waited - stayed out a half hour. Okay Rainy, I guess you don't have to go - you're special, not like Andy or every other normal dog who goes poopy after eating. Came in and she disappears for one minute and then I find poop in my studio. Ghagh! This is what is happening a lot. I feel like I invest hours of time standing around outside waiting for her to go but she refuses. That's why it's so frustrating - the investment of time. Though thank goodness it is nice weather and I can also just sit on the porch and crochet or read during the day, knowing that she is safe from doing the "bad" thing while we are outside. This reminds me of training Tenzing. He was also paper trained to go indoors before we got him and would not "go" outdoors. Very hard to break cause he didn't want to do it outside - preferred inside (what he thought was being a good boy). Other than that I couldn't be happier with the little thing. She is adorable.
The big hike on Monday really did a number on my heel spur. Still trying to get over that. I'm doing the stretching exercises and it is better. In the past it got well enough that I stopped the exercises but it never totally healed. Need to be dedicated.
We are watching Broadchurch now. Getting caught up in that.
dog training,
tv shows,
heel spur