sunday morning (and now it's afternoon) thoughts

Dec 10, 2017 13:29

I didn't sleep well last night. Had an intense headache. Now-a-days when I have a headache I start to suspect it might have something to do with my heart cause all my a-fib episodes had a headache with them this past year. I got up and felt my pulse. It seemed okay but I reported an "unknown" on my heart monitor anyway. Made myself a cup of Sleepytime tea. Read some in my latest book, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks. Went back to bed again eventually. I feel like I never did sleep well but my fitness watch tells me I did sleep 2 hrs and 10 minutes of deep sleep and 4 hrs and 20 mins of light sleep. I guess it is the light sleep that to me feels like I really am not asleep. At 7 am the chickens start to let me know over the baby monitors that it's time to get out into their run. They can get quite loud. A happy chicken is a quiet chicken, I have found that out. So I got up, did not make a cup of half caff coffee like I usually do. Instead I made decaf tea and while it was brewing I went out to do chicken chores: hang a sprig of kale on a string for them to peck at, open the door to their run and watch them file past me, throw them some grapes and while they are busy with that I open their coop and clean up last night's poop. First though I collect the eggs. There is always at least one egg and maybe there will be 2 like today. As the day goes on there might be one or 2 more out there. I have a long pair of tongs with silicon tips that I use for the poop pickup job. I try to pick up every bit of poop I can find and put it in an old plastic bowl that I then empty into a big tub that I will eventually give to Candy's husband Bill for his garden. When I see her I exchange a full tub of chicken shit for an empty one. I am very pleased with this method of keeping the coop clean. I won't have to really clean the coop till next summer I think. Certain chickens like to come in and supervise me while I work. Mainly it is Autumn or Dot who wants to keep me company. So then after chicken chores I came inside and had my tea. Went back to bed after that to catch up on sleep. Got up for real around 9 and had breakfast.

My Native American flute arrived yesterday and I think it is beautiful. I got a very simple one made of Spanish cedar. I like it a lot though I am not able to magically play something beautiful on it instantly like I dreamed. I practice scales on it and get that right most the time. That is a beginning.

It snowed last night - a thin skim on the ground and the roads are clear. It's cold out there and overcast.

I got 3 orders for bullet bells (I call them Blessing Bells) last night so today I will make them up and get them packed for mailing. I make the ones I sell with brand new casings. I ordered another 500 used 45 auto casings yesterday. I will use them to make what I call "Forest Bells". Those are the ones I just give away or hang in the woods. They have a simpler and cheaper bead at the top than the ones I sell. Those are the ones I really enjoy making. I guess cause it isn't about making money with them. There is no expectation of perfection (not that I don't make them perfectly - there is just no expectation of anything from me when I make them) and I like that.

I dreamed last night that I was in charge of watching over an old house for someone who was on vacation. I was supposed to go in and check things everyday. There were things off, moved around, changed, every time I went in. I knew the house was haunted and thought that was what was happening. I figured nothing was that badly off that I needed to call the owner about it. Other people were telling me I should call them. I didn't agree. If it was the ghost there was nothing anyone could do about it anyway. If it had been a real intruder it would have been different.

I get to take this heart monitor off tomorrow and mail it back. That will be a relief. Then on Friday I will talk to the cardiologist and he will be able to tell me if this med is working. Though even that won't be a sure thing. Last summer I went months between episodes. Just having a month free of them while I wear the monitor won't mean anything (to me). That's another reason this monitor is annoying. Oh well. Got to do these things.

Here's a listing for today:

"Sea Window" pendant - sterling, dichroic glass and green cz. Listing HERE

Plan for the day: Have a pajama day (a day where I stay in PJ's all day) and make chili rellenos stuffed with mashed potatoes for dinner.

a-fib, etsy, vivosmart hr, turtles, jewelry, annoying, food, dream, sleepless night, heart monitor, bullet bell, taking care of myself, pajama day

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