Jules, the grandboys and I are leaving tomorrow for our Florida vacation. We are flying so the kids can experience a plane ride. I am nervous - as I always am before leaving my comfort zone. In a way I wish I wasn't going - it gets that bad. Though I'm pretty sure after we pull out of the driveway and get on our way to the airport I'll be fine. Making lists, gathering things today.
I am making a half-size version of an Everything Book with a soft cover that will be more mobile. Later when I get back I can tuck the smaller book into the big Everything Book. I have been thinking about reducing the size of the Everything Book anyway - this will be a trial size to see if I like it this way. I have made traveling pages before that I tuck into the big book after I get home but this time I'm binding the pages before I leave. That helps me keep my mind off worry - having moments to be creative instead.
Dave's eye is still very swollen but this morning he can make an effort to open it and see something. The vision isn't good in it - very fuzzy. I hate leaving him like this. But it is getting better each day - it will get better.