Sep 28, 2017 06:03
Too bad I don't still have a job as night-watch at Polk - I'm so good at being awake at night.
Though I do get to bed around 11 so I get about 4 or 5 hours of sleep.
My dad used to be up in the night a lot when he got older. He would bake healthy cookies and do things in the kitchen. Or read, watch movies in the back room. I'm still trying to find useful things to do that don't make too much noise. Working on jewelry (using the saw or torch) make noise. But there are other things I could do like filing and sanding. I'm looking at the chicken monitor right now and they are awake too. Preening themselves quietly. Someone knocked over the water jug again yesterday. I need to figure out a way to stabilize it so it doesn't get knocked over - or make a protective cage around it. Having a wet floor in the coop isn't good. I suspect it is Dot in her flightiness doing it. They are quiet right now but there comes a moment in the morning when they officially agree to wake up and start their clucking and purring and walking around. Kind of like me - I'm awake but quiet, and will stay quiet till 6:45 when the grandboys come over for their egg sandwich.
sleepless night