Last night I started a routine of taking the chicks out of their box for "exercise time" while I do their box refreshing. I put in fresh water, add more pine shavings and clean the poop out of their food tray and add more food to it twice a day. I was just leaving them all in the box while I did that but they always get scared for some reason when I add the fresh litter so I thought today I would just bring them all out and let them get some exercise while I did it. I put a sheet of newspaper down and put a "baby cake" in the middle of it. They really enjoy pecking on the baby cake. (I just love saying baby cake.) It's like a molasses block for baby chicks - supposed to give them foraging exercise. They seem to spend most their time over there and do their pooping on the newspaper - if I'm lucky.
Busy chicks. They like to run and flap their wings as they go.
Running all around exploring. They did play the xylophone a little bit this morning - one of the Sussex chicks likes it best.
I think this is Wings. Wings might end up being my favorite - she is so brave and friendly. Yesterday she flew over onto the sink and as I was bending over the box she jumped onto my back. Then when I stood up she climbed up to my shoulder. Wish I had got a picture of that.
And a photo of my favorite breakfast right now - tea with almond milk, egg salad on naan bread with my pills and gummy vitamins (cause I have a hard time taking big pills and because they taste good).
It rained most all of yesterday but this morning the sun is out and it looks like a beautiful day. Biking with Candy today on the Sandy Creek trail.