Little hilltop in the middle of the woods.
Candy and I walked at Clear Creek Forest Kennerdell Tract this morning and went to the lookout. That has become a favorite destination to hike to.
This little pool of water is always there.
View from the lookout.
Zoomed in.
Part of the trail had been washed out with all the rain we recently had and then the water turned to ice.
This weird white stuff was on a couple old logs. It looked like it had oozed out and then frozen there. It was as hard as a rock, but maybe that was cause it was frozen. I wish I had brought some home with me to see what it would be like when thawed.
My heel didn't hurt terribly when I was walking (though it was noticeable) but after not standing on it and then when I went to get out of Candy's car and stood on it, boy, did it hurt then! I came home and had a really hard time getting warmed up. Took a few motrins, warmed the rice bag in the microwave and took it to bed with me.