
Dec 04, 2016 06:46

Inspired by the Five of Stones from the Wildwood tarot. I guess it means that I have to wait out the long night - take some comfort in the spot of warmth in front of me.

Woke up at 4 am (again). Start the coffee pot, feed the cats their wet food, get my coffee and come to my room to sit at my table burning birthday candles and thinking/writing/drawing.

Dreamed last night that I was going out to dinner with Nancy (it was nighttime in the dream) and she was trying out a new wheelchair - it was electric. The sidewalks were icy and it started sliding - I was trying to hang onto it and put my feet on the back of it but my weight was making it go even more out of control. We were laughing but there was a danger of it going farther down a hill and into the woods. I got off and the slide stopped. She was driving back up the hill again but then she dropped the controller (it was like a TV controller). It flew up into the air and came back to her but she wasn't ready to catch it and it fell again. Then it flew up again, like a little fluttering bird. That was how it was designed - that if the person in the wheelchair was to drop it then it would find its way back to them. It kept fluttering back to her and bouncing off cause she wasn't ready to catch it. We laughed and laughed till finally she caught it - end of dream.

Dave went to bed early last night and I watched a couple episodes of Lost. I love that show. It seems so deep and many layered to me. I'm wondering if watching TV before bed (that show in particular) has anything to do with the wheelchair controller in the dream being like a TV remote control?

Dave shot a buck yesterday. There will be meat for him in the freezer this coming year. Maybe I will see a little more of him now.

I got the new torch yesterday and hooked it up to my old tank of mapp gas and it didn't work either. So I tried the new torch on a new tank and it worked. Then I tried my old torch on a new tank of gas and it worked too. So something was wrong with the tank - not the torch. The old tank is full of gas - you can feel it sloshing around in there so that isn't the problem - it must have an obstruction of some sort. That was stupid of me that I didn't try that first before I gave up and thought I needed a new torch. Well, anyway - maybe I will like this new torch too - it has an automatic lighter built into it.

lost, tarot daily, nancy, tools, art a day, dream, tv shows, torch, prisma, dave, hunting

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