Playing around with the camera in the bathroom mirror just now - trying to find odd focus points.
The writing prompt for today is "chocolate". Which is ironic cause this morning I ate a rare piece of chocolate. In 1991 I finally realized I had a problem with food. I didn't just eat food at mealtimes or when I was hungry - I ate it all the time. Usually it was candy. I would put a piece of candy in my mouth and then go off and do something. But I was on a fixed orbit and would always return to the kitchen counter for another piece of candy eventually. Chocolate usually. I might eat a pound in a day. One of the big decisions at that time was no more chocolate - didn't feel like I could handle it. So generally I don't eat it. Yesterday Johnny left us a bar of very dark chocolate - it was too bitter for him. For some reason it seemed okay for me to eat it. My thinking - if it tastes that bad it must be safe for me.
I wish I could eat chocolate though. It would be nice to eat a small bite and enjoy it. I am remembering the day that Candy and I biked through Foxburg last summer and we stopped at the chocolatier's shop there. Since Candy was buying and offering it seemed safe for me to have some - I tried to only eat the same amount that she did (cause I deem her to be a "normal" eater). But I ended up eating more than her and really I was a little sick by the time we were done. I think about going back again someday but only buying a very small piece this time - to have that limit me. Maybe that would work. I have crazy thinking around chocolate though.
I don't know what was behind my LJ problem with posting and comments but it seems to be only happening with Chrome. So I'm switching to IE and Firefox for a while...