Apr 16, 2015 11:59
Yesterday Dave told me about a word he thought up to describe doing something positive each day to get our house in order. As you say the word you are supposed to raise your fist up in a gesture of triumph too. I asked him why "Net Positive"? He says it is in contrast to "Gross Negative". He has been organizing his stuff in the basement for a couple weeks while I have been avoiding it and feeling very guilty everyday. Yesterday, together, we gathered the recycling stuff up and got it out so that was our NetPositive for that day he said. I was glad to hear that I got a NetPositive point too in his eyes - I didn't feel so guilty then. I guess that was the boost I needed to actually go down *alone* and work on my stuff this morning. I packed a lot of fimo bead stuff into a smaller space so I can use that area for books now. But finally I just got tired of trying to figure out the last little pile of random things and came upstairs for lunch. At least I got my NetPositive! point for today.