Anybody out there watching the Olympic Games right now? The 2000+ Tai Chi masters were really awesome! And the little children that they were dancing around! I liked the message--harmony and balance between humans and earth. Sarah Brightman sounded great! Loving my dad's sound system and high def TV right about now. ;D There's Pres. Bush with a pair of binoculars! Anybody think that his approval ratings will go up JUST because he was seen escorting his wife, Laura Bush? Dunno. *shrugs*
In more mundane news, got my hair cut this afternoon. It feels good to be groomed. LOL. Was a bit disappointed in how my side-bangs turned out. But that's just because I went in hoping that this stylist would make it look exactly like my last one did. I have too many bangs, now! Actually, shame on me. It looks fine, it just doesn't match the idea I had of them in my head.
I miss my mom's cats. (Unexpected thing to say, I know, but I am inordinately fond of cats.) We have four. Talked to Misdemeanor-E (Missy--but my brother named her when he was 13, mmmk?) over the phone, and my mom said she sniffed the phone, and then started marking it (rubbing the side of her face against the speaker of the phone). And, cause I can't resist, here are pics of her.