Yes, I'm a very bad individual, I forgot to mention to a lot of people that I went on a trip to Boston to visit
gjc314159 and
fruchtzwergchen for American Turkey Day.
It was a great trip. We managed to avoid killing me, which is pretty impressive, as the American food industry seems to insist on putting eggs in everything or processing it on machinery that handles nuts/egg/cheese/milk/shellfish/rat poison. The Thanksgiving dinner was very good, and hanging around with my hosts and
elizpcrwly for the rest of the week was fun.
fruchtzwergchen posted some
pictures from the feast. I've also picked up a couple more good recipes, including another chili recipe. Fear its spicy goodness. Boston's a very interesting city, with some very good shops.
gjc314159 tried to get me hooked on
Redline. It remains to be seen how well he has succeeded.
Next time I bring a camera, so I'll actually have some pictures of my own.
PvP appears to have produced an
animated spin-off. The quality's good and the first year's cheap enough that they've got my money. Plus, now that Kurtz is using a Mac, OS X's subliminal reprogramming compels me to buy stuff from him.
Eric Burns has some interesting
commentary on Skull's voice actor.
The Thesis has gotten interesting again. It turns out that what we thought would work actually doesn't, and it should've been obvious why it wouldn't. It remains to be seen whether this latest turn will actually yield some useful data. If it doesn't, I may have to do a "things that don't work and why" thesis, which is (I think) perfectly acceptable but much less satisfying.
In the "non-thesis work" department, I appear to have landed the head writer gig for
Jovian Chronicles Blitz. "Blitz" is the branding for the latest incarnation of
Dream Pod 9's lines, miniature wargames that are actually designed to be playable in a sane amount of time without an absurd financial investment and are focused on the things that made the lines cool in the first place.
podthulhu and I are trying to keep a
developer journal up-to-date for the Blitz work. So far, we've managed two weeks out of three. I'm not sure if this is good or bad.
Contemplating getting an actual desktop LJ client.
VoodooPad and
OmniOutliner are amazing programs for actually getting work done. My Macbook Pro came with a free copy of Outliner, but I'm contemplating buying VoodooPad, simply because even without its other features, it easily beats a directory o'text files for brainstorming/planning/outlining.
Now to play some FF12. Balthier is teh hawt.