Well, Apple's showing off their new round of toys. Some look good, others look horrible.
Time Machine - Integrated backup/restore. If this works with a single hard disk and doesn't take up absurd amounts of resources, Apple's just killed Vista. They've provided integrated, transparent versioning with an interface that looks usable. And it looks like developers can use it to provide similar features in their own applications.
Mail - Once again, Apple misses the point of mail for most users. Integrated to-do access, possibly cool. The rest? Ew. And the toolbars still BURN.
iChat - Apple just owned a massve, multi-thousand dollar research project at no less than two Canadian universities that was trying to create a "virtual" lecture space with real-time video of a lecturer and real-time display of his desktop for slides. I'm amused. Also, iChat is no longer metal. Good move.
Spaces - Virtual desktops that might not suck! Shocking!
Dashboard - Dashboard IDE = Win. Dashboard webclips = lose. I do not have space for 55 web clips. I need a real RSS reader to keep up with my news.
Accessibility - Listen to the voice sample.