Stargate Ficlets

Mar 16, 2011 21:39

Author: Regency
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis & Stargate SG-1
Rating: G
Warnings: Character Death and implied canon character death
Spoilers: Be All My Sins Remember'd, Cold Lazarus, Ghost in the Machine
Contains: some AU
Pairing(s)/Characters: Sam/Jack, past Jack/Sara, Elizabeth Weir
Author's Notes: Written for various land comm challenges.
Summary: Sara O'Neill finds out why it's over. Elizabeth Weir finds out what is. Jack O'Neill makes it happen. Or Sam does.


Sara Barnes (formerly O’Neill) had always believed the truth was freeing. That was what she’d been brought up to believe and that belief had always served her well in life. Admitting that she might never be ready to be a mother again had allowed her to cherish the good times she’d had with Charlie and let go, as much as was possible, of the painful memories. But the truth about Jack, she wasn’t sure she’d ever wanted to know that. Now, she knew.

He’d spent seven years following their son’s death traveling the galaxy, making allies with alien civilizations, and saving the planet. He’d chosen all of those things over trying again with her. When she couldn’t bring him back to life, a green captain, a wide-eyed archaeologist, and an alien expatriate had done the job. It was a relief, in a way, to know that Jack had really been healing and hadn’t been falling apart for years. It was a relief, but it was also the end.

Sixteen years since they lost their little boy and some small part of her had continued to believe they’d find a path back to one another once they stopped seeing him every time they saw one another. Instead, they’d stopped seeing each other altogether, save that one day a year where they held hands and wondered what good Charlie could have done for the world. Her life didn’t exist and his didn’t, just the one they’d shared once upon a time.

But they didn’t have that life anymore - and wouldn’t ever again. Now, Sara understood why. Jack O’Neill had found the only thing that could save him. He’d found a purpose, one that was larger than life, and he’d never let it go.

Loving something that much, Sara knew the feeling. Even if he didn’t know it, she always would.


Elizabeth Weir’s personal daily log:
The Hardy Boys found trouble again today. John ended up married to a chieftain’s son off-world and Rodney stood up as the local equivalent of his best man. Then, and this was by far the most amusing part, Rodney was compelled to marry the young man as well. Apparently, this is their way of ensuring the longevity of the household. John was chosen as First Husband for his virility-and you can imagine how well that went over-while Rodney was chosen to act as Second Husband for his evidently keen intellect. John would be equipped to provide physical safety and Rodney would ensure that neither the young husband nor the offspring starved. Brawn and brains are universally attractive, I suppose.

However, when I asked how their same-sex union was supposed to produce children, I was firmly diverted to Carson for more information. He wasn’t much more forthcoming, but I must admit I eagerly await these particular mission reports. Teyla and Ronon were entirely too entertained by the events of the day to keep the details to themselves for long. And me, well, things can get pretty boring here at home-yes, boredom comes even in the lost city of Atlantis. I’m only human.

This year, I will wake up. I'll stop drifting in danger amid the stars and wake up. My brothers and sisters will sleep for as long as I can manage it, but I cannot do this anymore. I must either ascend in whatever fashion we are able as our bodies gradually waste away or I will find solid ground and live again. I'm not a space traveler anymore and I don't want to be. This year, I will land and I will wake up.

That overprotective, self-deprecating, son of a nonexistent lake trout - Sam could have strangled him. She could have happily strangled him for this and slept fine after.
She was fuming and everyone knew, though she couldn’t decide if the pacing or the violent swearing was giving her away.

How dare he?

It’d been her cultural misunderstanding, her unintended crime; it was supposed to be her sentence. It had been until the colonel made one of his infamous command decisions and put his head in her noose instead.

She could have kissed him-killed him-damn him!-if he weren’t already dead.

Not even a mouse.

Sam grinned conspiratorially to herself as she certainly stirred, though mostly crept, down to the basement where she kept her lab, then to the disassembled bicycle hidden in back. It was midnight sky blue and dotted with constellations, correct according to her calculations. Aerodynamically designed, Volvo-inspired, and constructed of Boron steel, it was perfect for a kid known as Speed Demon, Jr; i.e., her kid.

She blamed his father for the nickname…and the matching helmets. Although she was almost positive he was secretly jealous that she hadn’t hand-built a bike for him.

Or so he thought…

character: elizabeth weir, rated: g, pairing: jack/sara, character: samantha carter, fandom: stargate sg-1, one shot, pairing: sam/jack, fandom: stargate atlantis, drabble, all: fanfiction

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