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Feb 12, 2008 19:53

wow, it's pretty awful out.

at least The Biggest Loser is on in 15 mins... yay, something to do besides read the night away. i've started 'A Million Little Pieces' by James Frey.... yes, the one that garnered all the hype a year or so ago when he went on Oprah and stated that he made some of the supposed autobiography up [i'm curious as to what exactly was fabricated. obviously when writing an autobiography, youre not going to remember exactly what went on each day... who you met, what you did, what you said, etc... so some of that has to be stretched]. i'd purchased the book before that incident & never got around to it, so i figured i might as well read it. i'm only about a quarter of the way through but i'm enjoying it, as depressing as it is. & may i never, ever have to endure any serious dental procedures without any anesthesia (he had cavities filled and root canals done without any juice, and described it in full detail. yikes)

i'd really wanted to go to the gym tonight but theres no way i'm going out in this weather. yesterday's high was like 20-something...today's was 31... good times (yeah, i know some others on here are in places with colder temps.... my props go out to you!). i think tomorrow is supposed to be warmer... thank gawd. there was one day like last week (maybe the week before) where it went up to around 70... what a tease! grr. spring can't get here quickly enough :)

i have Friday & Monday off..... yay. though i think i still have class on Monday. boooo. speaking of which, since i dont think i've mentioned it at all on here...... now i finally feel like a 'real' college student (albeit, post-bachelor's degree :P) that i have a foreign prof. i am taking Human Exceptionality, which has been a bit of a snoozefest so far. my prof is Nigerian and is... interesting. he gets off topic rather easily but yet goes on saying about how important it is to be in class and how invaluable the class time is. hint: we don't want to hear 5+ minute jokes about how we've eaten dog before, since we've eaten hot dogs (came up in a conversation about cultural differences and how people moving here from other cultures would think a hot dog is.. well... what it sounds like). lalala. i haven't even bought the book for the class and havent missed anything. the book i bought for the last class, i didnt use at all (& still got an A). i have a feeling this class will be the same. ah well

ooo, 10 mins til The Biggest Loser. Cory & i are making chicken caesar salad for dinner later (with half a loaf of garlic bread... yum). just had that salad at Applebees yesterday for lunch (yummmmm) but i won't say no to having it again.

its just me here til next Thursday... family is down in FL again *jealous* i wanna go somewhere for spring break... hmmm


school, seasons/weather, books, food

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