pics from my cruise

Jul 06, 2004 10:34

well i actually took 250+, but i just narrowed it down to some of the best ones and ones that i thought people might enjoy seeing. so here, take a look (there are a lot, just so you know)...

taken at home.. blah

taken in the hotel lobby.. thought the sepia was a cool effect to make it look all antique and whatnot

leaving Ft. Lauderdale

my sister (random.. thought it was a good shot though)

chaise lounges.. is it just me or does this somehow look like a painting?

took this of the ocean while we were moving.. i have no idea how it ended up looking like that

one of the desserts.. haha. i find it amusing.

that ceiling changes colors.. it was pink later (i think theres a picture of that later)

view from the back of the ship

super mullet!!
haha... i saw this guy and just HAD to get a picture.

my sister out front of Senor Frog's.. ha. we didnt go in but she just wanted a picture by the frog.

view from a sidestreet in San Juan, Puerto Rico

thought this was neat

random.. i liked the colors though


aww i saw this bird and at first i thought he was dead, but he just sat there blinking every few seconds.. not moving at all except for that. it was somewhat eerie. i hope he was ok :-\



ooo ok.. this one and the next few were taken at Island Night... they have all this awesome food, esp. the melons. and they have a big party luau-style out by the pool area. somewhat cliche but ah well. i just usually stand around and watch everyone else :P


more melons

and more...

random fruit and whatnot

last one

when leaving a port, the coast guard has to steer the ship out of the harbor, then the captain is allowed to get back on. so here's the coast guard boat pulling up alongside the cruiseship. i thought it looked like it was gonna run into it.. heh

this was the view from our room when we woke up, the morning that the ship arrived in St. Thomas

same deal.. just taken a little later as it rained for a minute

another view from the room (see, i left part of the window in the pic there at the bottom, as proof that it was taken from inside.. haha)

looking to the left at Magen's Beach

took this while laying down. the tree was blocking the sun perfectly, so i thought it was kinda cool *shrug*


distant rain.. i just love this one soo much

another view of Magen's Bay

this guy was a lifeguard there. he was really cool. we got talking to him shortly before we left.


thought this was somewhat ironic.. ya know.. Virgin Islands.. really dirty car *shrug*

view from this truck/taxi thing we took back to the dock. i think it was originally truck but they converted it into some kind of taxi? hard to explain

up on the top deck before leaving St. Thomas

some lady was throwing a whole lotta food to the seagulls and they were alllll over the place. it was pretty crazy.

another view


thought this was kind of a neat idea

head-on view of another ship

some other boat leaving the harbor

very random..

people watching as we left St. Thomas

view of some hotel off the port side. i thought it was cool...


the beach we went to at St. Maarten. i think was called Waikiki?

looking the other way

a baby palm *aww*


the beach, again

head-on view of 2 ships (ours was docked behind the one on the right)

thought this was kinda funny for some reason.. a bunch of phones out there by the beautiful water. meh, maybe i'm just weird :P

view from the top deck before we left St. Maarten

cool shot of the water

remember the ceiling that i said changed colors before? well here it is again, but pink.. hehe

the next few are from the Grand Buffet. you should see the stuff they can do with food. its like freakin artwork.

another melon



ice sculpture

pulling into port at Nassau

view of the Atlantis Hotel from the taxi

first glimpse of the bach at Paradise Island

ok, everyone cover your eyes.. lol


same place, different angle

took this of my sister

travel, photography

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