(no subject)

Nov 20, 2003 21:26

this week has been hell... ugh. i could go into lots of details as to why, but i don't want this seem like a pity post, so i won't do so. anyway... well i am leaving for Paris in a few days, but for some reason i don't even feel that excited, and i'm not sure why. i guess all of this damn stress has made me unexcitable or something... i heard that can happen. maybe its because i subliminally associate Paris with stress now, since that's pretty much all that the course has caused me. if anything, i learned that i don't like night classes, because i end up leaving all of the work for the night before, if i get it done at all. which is especially bad since it's a writing intensive class.. ughh. i am taking my final writing intensive class next semester... the english class about the novel. i'm really bored and trying to avoid my work, so i'll type out the course description if anyone wants to read it:

Literary Genres- The Novel: Making It New - In this course students will learn about the origins of the "novel," including not only when and by whom this genre was first defined and practiced, but also the reasons for its odd name. We will study a number of novels that illustrate the ever-changing forms this popular genre has taken over the centuries, and we will explore the question of why so many modern rumors of its death seem to be entirely logical but highly exaggerated. We will read relatively short novels - or short segments from longer works. This course will focus on the works of innovative British and American novelists such as Jane Austen, Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner, Kurt Vonnegut, V.S. Naipaul, and Toni Morrison. 3 credits

so yeah... hopefully it won't be too bad. it sounds cool but i hope i won't be inundated with work.

alright.. now i'll address my thoughts on formalities. i think about this crap a lot (as well as a plethora of very random things), so i thought i'd write about it here. some formalities are sooo stupid and really annoy me. for instance... you're walking along and see someone you know who is about to pass you. right before you pass each other, they ask 'how are you'... at which point you pretty much have to say 'fine, thanks.' cause i mean... no one responds with a real answer to that question anymore. can you imagine if you said 'how are you' to someone in passing, and they were like.. 'well.. my day has sucked.. uhh.. i'm really tired..' whatever... yeah, i dont think so. whenever someone asks you that, you pretty much have to say 'fine.' then, back to the example situation... after you say 'fine,' the person is probably already passed you by then, so you have to decide whether or not you want to ask the question, which would the usual thing to do. but yeah this always happens to me.. i'm walking back from lunch and i'll pass a prof or some other figure of authority and they'll say hi hows it going.. etc... and by the time i smile and say fine, theyre already passed me, at which point i feel bad for not returning the question... its so annoying, and so stupid. yeah i know this whole thing probably makes no sense.. whatever. but my point is.. i think some formalities are really stupid.

and i should probably get to work soon. last Friday morning, i accidentally slept past the time when i was supposed to be at my comp. lesson. i proceeded to email Dr. Eggert to ask if he wanted me to come in later in the day, to which he said don't worry about it. i REALLY got off the hook with that, because the night before, i didn't even write anything. my plan was to set my alarm and wake up really early on Friday morning to write some stuff. well, given the fact that i slept past my lesson time, which was at 10, you can probably guess how much i got done. so yeah i got off the hook there... and have i written anything since then? of course not! ughh.. i've gotta stop doing this. but the truth is, i just really don't feel inspired to write anything anymore. i dont know why. composing is really becoming a task, which is not a good thing for someone who decided to do a concentration in composition. well at least i only have one more semester, which is an independent study. translation: same as a regular lesson, except you only meet with the prof. on an occasional basis. thatll be good.. ha.. i hope i don't manage to wait til the last minute all the time then, too.

alright, that has been quite enough rambling for the time being.

school, to-do, paris, lvc, random, procrastination, stupid me, travel, blahh, books

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