So now that we're done with the rules, let's talk about guys, and the interpretation of what they say and the things they do. Of course, it's not going to be EXACT. Like I've stated before, all men are different, in small ways. And those small ways, can determine A LOT.
Recently I've purchased this book called:
He's Just Not That Into You (The Newly Expanded Edition): The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys by Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo, and Lauren Monchik. And let me tell you, it's really enlightening, and really helpful. I came across these books by way of a girl I was once friends with. Unfortunately, she read it and didn't understand it. Oh well! Basically the book is about different scenarios in which we ( we, meaning us girls ), make excuses and lies up for some guy who really ain't into us. It's pretty pathetic to think that we would pursue a guy who isn't into us, but then again- we do it all the time. And rather than take the hint and accept defeat, we make excuses and accept lies in return for some pathetic sex just so that we don't have to feel the sting of rejection.
Pathetic, I know.
And I'm not going to go as far as saying that I haven't done it before either, cause I have. But that book is definitely a wake up call for a lot of girls, and I suggest you purchase it, ASAP! I know how hard it can be to deal with the knowledge that a crush you have, isn't crushing on you, too. Actually, I know that knowledge is extremely capable of crushing your self esteem ( if you have any left ). But it's better to move on, than to linger on something that's never going to be anything. It's always easier to accept a lie, than to accept the truth. Cause, the truth hurts, but eventually you gotta deal with it.
My approach is to just deal with it right away, fuck that! I'd rather be hurt for a few weeks, than to invest tons of feeling into something that'll eventually scar me! A bruise is temporary, a scar is forever, even after it fades.
But, like all things, it's easier said than done. And that's just something we'll inevitably have to come face to face with.
You can run, but you can't hide. - Who said that anyways?
So I've come up with my own list of Desperate Syndrome. This is for the cheap bitches who don't want to buy the book, or don't have the attention span to read through it, even tho- I gotta admit, that book is extremely interesting and funny_ only took me a few hours to read the whole thing.
Desperate Syndrome is just a few hints and tips to help you realize how pathetic you're being and what a doormat you're becoming in the eyes of whatever person you happen to be infatuated with.
1- If you notice your always the one making the calls, your being desperate.
I'm positive your love object is extremely capable of picking up the phone and giving you a call. So what would happen if you didn't call him for one day? Do you think he'd call you? Give it a try. You might learn something new. ( Hint: If you check your cellphone bill, and check all the times you and him have spoken on the phone. See how many of them happen to be incoming calls, and no- you can't count the out going calls cause that meant YOU called HIM! And also, if he DID call you, it only counts if it wasnt A) A booty call B) He was drunk and dialed the wrong number, and/or C) If he was only calling to see when you were coming over to give him head ).
2- He's always talking about himself and doesn't care much for anything you have to say.
And let's not count the most obvious shit- such as 'How was work today?' and 'So are you going to swallow this time?'. I mean, think about it. I'm sure you could write a novel series about him and his life, but can he do the same for you? Does he even know your favorite color? I've been in this situation before, and it's sort of hard to recognize it, but it's only hard if you let it be hard. So man up and ask him why the fuck he doesn't shut the fuck up and let you speak for once, and see what happens from there. If you're going to give him sex, the least he can do is quiet his egotistical ass down and listen to something you have to say, even if it's not important or pertaining to having sex.
3- Everytime you call him, he's busy- but when he's horny, he's not.
I know it's hard to give up great sex. And it's hard to give it up, because it's hard to come by. Great sex goes hand in hand with triple orgasms. Hard to attain, even harder to forget, and almost impossible to achieve. But then again, orgasms are sold in boxes in a porn store near you, so a guy can't be all that special, especially if he doesn't vibrate. Don't be somebodys free hooker. Fuck it, not even dick is worth your self esteem and dignity. If he only calls you when he's drunk, than obviously he can't handle you sober, and it's time for him to ship the fuck out and ruin somebody elses self image. ( Hint: Can't make up your mind on how to figure this out? Try and keep track of when he calls and what he calls for, also, try and count how many times you've had sex with him sober. If the memory escapes you, it's time to move on ).
4- After you two have sex, he gets cold.
And I'm not talking about an Icebox where his heart used to be. I'm talking about, you want to be cuddled and he says no thx. Or he cuddles you for a few seconds, than asks when you're going back home. Don't stomach that shit! He should be honored that you're even bothering with his lame ass. If he's so hung up over his girlfriend, tell him to hire a hooker if he wants cold calculated sex. You deserve to have somebody want to hold you, especially after you broke your back out trying to please him. ( Hint: There is no hint on how to determine this, figure it out ).
5- He lets his ex girlfriend get in the way.
So here you are, dating this nice guy, and all of a sudden- his spiteful ex girlfriend is suddenly all up in your grill. WTF? Then all of a sudden, he dumps you because of something lame his ex girlfriend told him. WTF?! Don't even bother fighting that ho, just cut that punk pussy pank assed bitch out. But kick him in the nuts first. ( Hint: Meddling ex girlfriends are never going to go away if your crush won't make them ).
6- Your always paying for his ass.
I'm cool with all that independent women movement shit. Cool for you, if you don't mind picking up the tab everytime you go on a date. In my personal opinion, going dutch is better, or atleast taking turns paying for each other is cool, too. But if you find yourself paying for this queer to go out on a date, why don't you just hire a male hooker and do the same thing with somebody who can probably fuck better than Mr. Cheapo?
7- Your always doing stuff for him, but never getting anything in return.
Fine, fine fine. I've heard that shit before 'Dont do something expecting something back'. Whatever. In this world, it's always an eye for an eye. And in my opinion, if I'm going to clean your room for you, the least you can do is help me out with something, even if it's minor. Don't do shit for this asshole if you don't think he'd do it for you. You ain't his momma and you don't have to be. I've got that disease, too. The Disease to Please. I used to have an ex whose house was a fucking pig sty, and you know what I would do every morning? I'd wake him, clean his room, make him breakfast, have sex with him, then go about my business. And do you think that asshole ever did anything for me that wasnt short of making me cry and cheating on me with a dirty mutt? No. Which is precisely why he's an EX. ( Hint: Just put him to the test. Do something for him, and then see if he'll do it for you. If he doesn't, EVER, than obviously he's just using you. )
Shit! So I can't come up with an even number of stuff, but don't worry. This will most likely be updated on a regular basis. And I will notify of updates to any entry.
Anyways, I'm out like trout.
Have a nice weekend!