
Oct 21, 2007 13:51

lj cuts are for assholes or, at least, people who either remember the tags from one moment to the next and/or have the patience to look 'em up every time. I am of neither variety, and so instead shall provide eensy, click-for-larger pictures.

This is Jas being a dork:

and this is how she sheds:

Emma in the background for size comparison. That's the hair brushed off of one side of her. ONE SIDE. If she doesn't get brushed pretty much daily, and I don't vacuum equally often, I wind up walking thru snowdrifts of dog hair.

This is what I'm working on right now instead of writing any papers, doing any homework, or prepping for midterms:

it's doubled in size since I took this picture on friday, btw. I've got to do SOMETHING in between bouts of reading horrific things about human reproduction and development and emailing my teacher every single time I find an inaccuracy in the text we're supposed to be learning from.

and this is a little photo I like to call BUSTED, BITCHES:

Thing is, Tibbie has hated Emma, big-time without cessation and with a capital FUCK OFF, since they were kittens. AND YET, TODAY, THEY SNUGGLE. amazing, and something that would NOT be believed by anyone who knows 'em unless I had proof.

Clearly I am doing everything within my power to avoid studying; if you don't appreciate my need to do so, PLEASE REVIEW PREVIOUS ENTRY THX.
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