[music| db - across the universe]
i had a dream...
ionut was being such an asshole! he was being so mean! i wrote about it in my lj and he commented on it with a sly and cruel comeback. that pushed me over the edge. i went up to him and gave him what for and all the people around me were laughing. ignorant bitches. they had no idea what he had done to me.
then i woke up. still angry at ionut. i know he really didn't do anything but i can't help but feel like he did. i've had dreams like this before. i had one about my mom and i didn't talk to her for most of the day afterward. silly isn't? how can some dreams be so powerful but others are just lost?
maybe its the pills. or the numerous drugs i'm on. happy pills keep me from getting down and boy, that is the coolest thing ever. i'm ususally really depressed when i get sick but now i just keep whining and nagging for my family to pity me. buy me things!
it's crap's b-day party. i wasn't invited. probably b/c that party is at his girlfriends place and from what i hear, she isn't a big fan of me. she doesn't like the fact that i talk to her boyfriend sometimes. boo hoo. she's crazy. how could you not like me? oh wait, she's a total bitch. hahahaha. i know how to ruin relationships HXC.