I just got this email from Dr. Blythe running for the Florida 15th Congressional district. I felt I'd repost it here to help get the word out.
Dear Supporters:
I suspected that the Florida Today endorsement would go to Bill Posey because of his experience in Tallahassee, and today they announced their endorsement of Bill Posey.
I would like my supporters to send letters to the editor of Florida Today addressing various issues. I have some suggestions, and a copy of my response below. I have requested that they put my response as an Op-ed, which can be longer, but generally they require letters to be 200 words or less.
Please read on my website the page on my qualifications:
http://www.blythe2008.com/issues/qualifications.htm Suggested topics:
1. At the Florida Today forum he said that “thousands of pounds of yellow cake was recently taken out of Iraq” and said that it was the “raw material to make nuclear weapons”. In fact, this slightly-purified uranium ore - 500 tons of it - was at the site of the Iraqi nuclear plant that was destroyed by Israel in 1981, had been there for thirty years, and was to be fuel for the nuclear reactor. It was known to be there by the IAEA for a long time, and was not weapons-grade material and could not have been made into a bomb. Posey was just trying to use more scare tactics to justify after-the fact this war which we were lied into from the beginning.
2. Posey claims that he helped fix the malpractice insurance problem, but it took a statewide referendum to do that. Doctors claim that he turned a deaf ear to them when they asked for his help.
3. Posey thinks Americans without health insurance spend their money on plasma TV’s and “lack personal responsibility”. He has said this at a number of forums. This is outrageous - tell this to the 159,000 Americans who lost their jobs in September - that is 159,000 families now without health insurance! The average hourly worker in the US makes about $30,000 per year. If you make that and do not get health insurance, how are you going to pay $15,000 for a family policy? WHAT amount of personal responsibility will it require to pay for insurance? If a family member has a pre-existing condition like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, and no one will sell you a policy, how much personal responsibility can you have to get insurance? The fact is that 80% of Americans without insurance are in families with a full-time employed person. We are not talking about homeless people and welfare recipients. We are talking about working Americans! Bill is against unions and a living wage. It is all about big business.
4. It was Democrats who got us out of the depression with banking reform and jobs, and it was Democrats who brought us clean air, clean water, safe work environments, a minimum wage, the G.I. Bill, Medicare, Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, women’s rights, and the last balanced budget!
5. Posey, at the Florida Today forum, thought that the war in Iraq was all about “keeping the war over there and not letting it come here”. He apparently thinks Iraq had something to do with 9/11 and that al Qaeda was why we invaded Iraq.
6. The only qualification he talks about - the reason he wants to go to Washington - is to “bring accountability”. But he is only talking about fiscal accountability - what about accountability for torture, for kidnapping, for locking Americans up without charges, for an illegal war, for wiretapping, for violating the Constitution in many ways?
7. Maybe mention how well they did with their endorsement of Amy Kneesey for school board! She has continued to prove herself to be a right-wing nutcase!
Please pick a subject or one of your own choosing - check out his website (
www.billposey.com ) - and send a letter please! Thanks. -sb
My response to Florida Today:
I would like to respond to your endorsement of Bill Posey in the District 15 Congressional race. There is no question that Bill has served his constituents well during his time in Tallahassee. But I think in 2008 we are feeling a need to get away from sending career politicians to Washington. Those who have seen the various forums and who have read your endorsement learn a lot about Bill’s past but not about his plans for our future. The biggest differences between Bill and I are our approach to the future of our country and in our understanding of how we got where we are now.
Bill thinks the war in Iraq is about protecting us from terrorists, apparently not knowing that al Qaeda was not in Iraq until after we occupied it and that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Bill wants to “drill, drill, drill” in the Alaskan wilderness but thinks solar-generated electricity is not feasible because we don’t have adequate battery technology, apparently not remembering that the Florida legislature, along with 35 other states, passed a “net metering” law which mandates that surplus electricity generated on your rooftop will be sold back into the grid for your neighbors to use - no batteries needed!
Bill wants to buy votes by promising “to keep taxes low” at a time when we are borrowing money from China to run our country. Our national debt is now over $11 trillion and we are in big economic trouble. We MUST get back to a balanced budget!
I have indeed said that I have not seen a cost-benefit justification for building manned stations on the moon. We will be borrowing the money from the Chinese to build it - will that make our nation stronger or our economy better? I think not. Otherwise I am a huge fan and supporter of NASA, and have suggested for a year that NASA needs a ten-year budget and planning process and needs missions that are justifiable for it to remain a viable part of our nation’s heritage.
Bill says that Americans don’t have health insurance because “they spend their money on plasma TV’s” and “lack personal responsibility”. We don’t need this kind of cold-hearted attitude in congress - we need someone with a sincere concern about the American people and with clear ideas, listed online at
www.blythe2008.com, to move us forward into the future.
Stephen Blythe
Blythe for Congress in 2008!
ActBlue www.blythe2008.com