Dec 29, 2004 02:15
I've got somewhat of a self perfecting process going on. I'm actually for once in my life, taking care of my body.
Not only am i eating correctly, i'm drinking milk, and working out every other day. Just untill the pain goes away. Then it will be an every day thing.
Right now i'm in such pain. Its not the normal soarness you get from lifting weights, its more like my muscles are so tired right now that they're just giving out.
I also had a talk with liz tonight. no matter what happens, i will never forget her. She is the only person in this world that could cheer me up just by a couple words. Its always perfect. She never gives me any stupid lines and she's never unsure about what to say. She is perfect. I am going to see her soon. Before I leave. I wish things were different. She wont hang out with me because of her boyfriend. He doesnt like me at all. I will see her before i leave though. I swear it. She cares for me. Thats more then i can say about alot of other people.
It would be rude of me to say nobody cares. Pleanty of people do. Just not the ones that matter. Except in her case. Put her aside for a moment. I had a dream the other night. I was working at my old place of business. We were getting slammed and my work was way too much for any one person to handle. So i asked for help. In return i recieved the worst employee in that building. I have judged that my dream means that people do want to help, but they are incapable of doing it correctly. In my eyes atleast.
I'm taking my physical soon. Thats going to be c'est difficile! i have high blood pressure. My recruiter's finding out if there are over the counter pills i can take. Pretty much, thats all thats standing in my way.
by the way, my chosen field is military intellegence. A 6 year contract, 15,000 for signing on. I have to report for duty, january 20th.