Arizona Shootings and Real Life Stuff

Jan 12, 2011 13:10

This is the best reaction to the Arizona Shootings that I've yet seen. And, not surprisingly, it's from a comedian.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cArizona Shootings Reactionwww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

In other news, I have spent the last few days in varying states of pain. I assumed an ear/nose/throat infection (minus the nose, lol) and went to see the doctor. Dr Lovely Man Indeed looked in my ear and throat and saw no sign of infection, so he started questioning me a bit more.

After about 30 minutes of talking, poking, and prodding, he was left with three main options. 1) an ear infection that hadn't yet presented (he considered this unlikely), 2) TMJ, or 3) Shingles (this he thought was the likeliest based on my symptoms).

Him: That's actually where they most commonly appear.
Him: *pats me* Stress and illness can lead to an early onset.

So he gave me anti-inflammatories and Vicodin (yay?) and sent me home until such a time as a rash appeared. Rash is now appearing.


Looking on the bright side, I was able to sleep through the night last night with the aid of the Vicodin (which, omg, you have no idea how awesome that was), and also!! I will soon know what I'd look like as a Zombie. Or a leper. I will share pics accordingly.

The demon spawn and the demon daddy have been really supportive, though they're all worried because there's really nothing at all that can be done about this.

Speaking of the spawn, Beelzebub has officially started puberty, or some version thereof. The boy came at me for a hug a few weeks ago and it was all I could do not to gag. Hello BO! So he now has his own deoderant and face cleansing stuff (when body odor appears, acne is not far behind) and a nifty little shaving kit to keep it all in. He's kind of over the moon about it all.

I'm not sure I'm ready for all this, to be honest. Not with Beelzebub, anyway. He's such an innocent kid, in ways I can't remember EVER being. He has no idea that the world can be cruel or weird or just... scary. He looks around and sees goodness everywhere, which is something that I really cherish in a kid his age. Most of them are little bastards, after all.

Of course, Lucifer is kind of the exact opposite. He's 6 going on 32, I swear. He's got that gleam in his eyes that says he's laughing at all the dirty jokes in the world. He gets that from me, LOL.

I dunno, they're just growing up and I'm having that flaily psuedo-anxiety over it.

Bright side: they both know how to work the coffee pot to make me a cup whenever I need it. *win!*

Okay, this was sort of rambly and all, but now you're rather up-to-date with me. And since you are, I'm going to go back to writing while I can. Before I have to take another round of Vicodin...

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