This weekend I watched a bunch of old episodes of Smallville: Recruit, Solitude, Krypto, Lucy, Sacred, Delete, and Void.
I'm seriously in need of a place to find early season SV screencaps. DTS is gone, this morning, Smallville Dedication is unavailable and most of the other websites have limited screencaps of Seasons 1-5. Does anyone know a good site that I'm missing?
This screencap from Solitude just cracks me up. ;-) Look at his face!
Aww...I love this! From Krypto, of course.
I love how happy Clark is for the first part of Recruit. I don't have access to the screencaps right now, but I love the scene with Clark in the sorority girls' bedroom. That's Awkward!Clark at its best.
I think there's some cute banter between Lois and Clark during Lucy. There's also some cute flirting between Clark and Lucy, but once again, I don't have access to the screencaps right now. :-(
Awesome shot from Delete.
This is from Void. Lana really does look like a junkie here.
A lovely moment from Solitude- "you're my heart..."
This weekend I watched Superman- Doomsday for the first time. I thought maybe it would help me get a better understanding of SV's Doomsday. I have no idea if Smallville is going to borrow any of this plot. I thought it was pretty good, but I didn't really like the way that Superman/CK and Lois were drawn. It was weird to see Lex as a skinny guy after seeing him as huge on Superman:The Animated Series. James Marsters does the voice of Lex which I didn't know, but I impressed myself by recognizing his voice on my own.
There was definitely some Lex/Superman HoYay! in this movie- complete with Lex saying, "who's your daddy?"
I wouldn't mind seeing TW re-enact this scene...
Superman in his special suit- it appears to be almost off the shoulder...
Some of these screencaps I already had from Devoted to Smallville, There's a couple from,
Screencap Paradise, and the Doomsday screencaps are from