
Jul 23, 2012 23:57

Pairing: OT3, Taorislay
Rating: R
Words: ~1000
Disclaimer: I don't own these sexy namjas.
Summary: It's stormy. Yixing and Tao seek refuge with Kris.
A/N: For tarp_walls

Kris awoke to a knocking at his door. He looked up, his eyes still heavy with sleep, and saw Lay and Tao standing in the doorway, hanging onto the doorframe.

A clap of thunder sent the both of them racing into the room without permission.

“What are you doing?” Kris groaned.

“Duizhang,” Tao said softly, “it’s thundering. Yixing and I don’t like thunder.”

“Can we sleep with you?” Lay asked equally quietly.

“My bed’s not big enough for three,” Kris muttered, but Tao and Lay edged closer.

“Please?” Lay pleaded.

“We can squish, duizhang,” Tao offered. “Really, we can.” Another roll of thunder echoed across the bedroom and Lay and Tao latched onto Kris’s sheets.

“Fine,” he sighed, “climb in.” The two boys climbed in the bed on either side of Kris, cuddling up close to him. Every time they heard thunder, they would get closer to him, Tao’s lithe thighs wrapping around his leg or Lay’s graceful fingers grabbing the fabric of his shirt.

“I still can’t sleep,” Tao whispered, and Kris was surprised to hear how scared he sounded.

“It’s okay,” Kris murmured, “nothing can hurt you here. Yixing and I will protect you. And Yixing, Tao and I will protect you, so don’t worry.”

“Goodnight kiss?” Tao ventured, and Kris found that he was much more obliging than usual as he leaned over and pecked Tao’s cheek. He wasn’t sure what came over him. “Yixing too,” Tao said, and Kris kissed Lay’s nose.

“Tao, I need a kiss from you too,” Lay said, “since you’re protecting me too.”

“I’ll just take the one you owe me while I’m at it,” Tao chuckled, climbing over Kris to reach Lay. Leaning on Kris completely, Tao took Lay’s head in his hands and kissed his lips, much to Kris’s surprise.

More surprising was that Lay and Tao didn’t stop after a simple kiss. As Tao pushed deeper and deeper into Lay’s mouth, Lay pushed himself closer to Kris, grabbing desperately for his shirt.

Kris was suddenly wide awake with Tao on top of him and Lay pressed against his side.

“What is this?” Kris asked, sitting up, and Tao rolled onto Kris’s lap (which was suddenly extremely uncomfortable), his lips finally disconnecting from Lay’s.

“What is what?” Tao asked. Tao was positioned on Kris’s lap so that his head rested on Lay’s hip, and his shirt was riding up, showing a tantalizing strip of skin on his navel.

“You…two!” Kris said. “You were just kissing each other.”

“Yeah, so?” Lay asked. “It’s normal.”

“Oh!” Tao said, sounding as if he’d had an epiphany. He sat up and crawled into a better position on Kris’s lap, straddling his hips as he faced him.

“You’re jealous, aren’t you?” Lay said knowingly. “It’s okay, we can share each other, right Tao?”

Tao responded by pressing his lips against Kris’s.

As much as he felt like he should be resisting, he couldn’t. He admitted to himself that he had wondered what Tao’s perfect bow-shaped lips would feel like on his own. He found himself responding to Tao’s rhythm, and even pushing back against Tao’s lips, creating his own tempo.

But it was slightly hard to concentrate on Tao’s kiss when Lay was sucking at his neck, undoubtedly going for the supple skin near his collarbone that could easily leave a mark. Kris pulled away from Tao, ducking down to kiss Lay, and Tao joined him by nibbling at Lay’s ear. Lay’s lips were plumper than Tao’s, and it was a different, but equally pleasant sensation to be pressing against Lay’s lips, feeling his tongue sweep across Kris’s teeth.

Suddenly Tao rolled his hips against Kris’s, and he broke off from Lay to see that Lay had been stroking Tao’s thigh soothingly.

Kris dove for Tao’s lips once again, feeling Tao’s hand creep under his shirt and up his abdomen as Lay reached under Kris’s shirt and traced his fingers over Kris’s strong back muscles.

Tao broke off this time, still sitting on Kris but focusing entirely on Lay, kissing him and fingering the insides of his thighs.

Kris reached for Lay’s waistband and felt Tao’s fingers there as well, tugging at it.

“Wait,” Lay said, “wait.” Everything stopped for a moment, and he sighed. “I think…I think the storm is over.”

Kris didn’t see why that meant they had to stop anything, but he looked up at Tao, who was smiling sweetly at Lay.

“Okay,” he said, kissing Lay’s lips gently, then climbing off of Kris back to his side of the bed. “Goodnight, Yixing. I really love you, gege.”

“I love you too, Taozi,” Lay smiled, still sitting up next to Kris. “Thank you.”

“I could never push you, gege,” Tao replied softly. He yawned and stretched out on the bed. “Goodnight, duizhang.”

“Wait, that’s it?” Kris asked. “That’s all?” He looked at Lay, whose eyes were starting to droop as well. “Is that it?”

“That’s it for now,” Lay said quietly. “I’m not ready yet. I hope…I hope you can understand like Tao does.”

Kris gasped. “Oh! Oh, I can. I can, it’s okay, Yixing.”

“I knew you were a good choice,” Yixing yawned, falling back on the pillow as well and closing his eyes. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” Kris replied, looking between the two boys. Tao’s deep breathing told Kris that he was asleep, and after watching Tao for a few minutes, Lay’s deep breaths could be heard as well. He smiled, leaning down to kiss each of them on the cheek. He put his own head down on his pillow, wriggling his arms under each boy and pulled them close.

He could get used to this.

genre: fluff, fandom: exo, rating: r, ot3: kris/lay/tao, length: oneshot

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