Two Weeks Without Sugar (Part 1)

Jul 12, 2012 15:17

Pairing: Baekyeol
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2000
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine of course~
Summary: Chanyeol was a fan of sugar. He loved the feeling of too much of it running through his veins and making him even more bouncy than he already was. His cakes were sweeter than they should be, but it just made everyone as bouncy as he always was, and he liked that.

From the beginning, Chanyeol knew that everyone in the house would be experiencing a strange mix of emotions at one point or another. The particular mix was a cross between surprise and excitement, and Chanyeol experienced it for the first time on the day they moved in. The reason was that Baekhyun had smiled at him when Chanyeol latched onto him as they chose roommates. They seemed compatible; they both had an excellent sense of humor, and, Chanyeol thought, their height difference was aesthetically pleasing.

That was the first time he thought something about Baekhyun that he wasn’t sure guys should think about each other. And it certainly wasn’t the last.

Chanyeol was a fan of sugar. He loved the feeling of too much of it running through his veins and making him even more bouncy than he already was. His cakes were sweeter than they should be, but it just made everyone as bouncy as he always was, and he liked that.

So he volunteered to be on dessert duty.

Right after Baekhyun had volunteered to be on cooking duty, of course.

It didn’t take Chanyeol long to figure out that he liked Baekhyun. How else could he explain the fact that he liked Baekhyun much more than just a friend, much more than the other guys? How else could he explain the thrill of Baekhyun’s ankle touching his own while they sat together on the countertop in the kitchen? How else could he explain just how happy it made him when Baekhyun took his hand?

Baekhyun was always sugary. He was sweet. He was bouncy and addicting and when Chanyeol was around him, the adrenaline running through his veins felt like a sugar rush.

Admitting that he liked Baekhyun was the easy part.

Figuring out what to do after that was what made it all so difficult. He was fairly sure that Baekhyun liked him back, since Baekhyun was always the one to take Chanyeol’s hand and suggest that they hang out one-on-one. But maybe it wasn’t the same way that Chanyeol liked him. He’d been looking for signs, but either he didn’t know what he was looking for, or they weren’t there.

In any case, Chanyeol knew he needed to do something. Sure, Sehun and Luhan were dating, and so were Kyungsoo and Kai, but he didn’t know how to go about becoming a couple. He’d never done such a thing before, and he didn’t want to ask the others because, of course, the only person he was close to was Baekhyun.

So he didn’t really know what came over him that one morning in the kitchen, but it just sort of happened. He didn’t think, he just did.

He kissed Baekhyun right on the mouth. His lips were as sweet as he’d imagined.

Baekhyun looked up at him, absolutely shocked.

“Y-you…you, you,” Baekhyun stuttered, putting his fingers to his lips. “You kissed me! You kissed me!” His eyes were huge and his mouth wouldn’t close. Chanyeol suddenly regretted what he’d done.

“I…” Chanyeol began, but Baekhyun had bolted from the kitchen, banging on the others’ doors.

“What is it, Baekhyun?” Suho said, emerging from his room with Chen on his heels.

“Chanyeol kissed me!” he exclaimed hysterically.

“What?” Chen cried. Luhan, coming out of his room, gasped, and Sehun gave a bright smile.

“Good for him!” he said, and Suho turned on him.

“No! Not good for him. Baekhyun didn’t even ask to be kissed, did he? He hated it, you can tell.” Suho marched into the kitchen, and the rest followed, including Kai and Kyungsoo, and Lay and Xiumin. “Chanyeol! You can’t just kiss people, okay? You can’t do that! Apologize to Baekhyun.”

But Chanyeol suddenly found that he couldn’t speak. He just stared at Baekhyun, who was squirming like never before. Had he really done something so detestable? He was fairly sure that Baekhyun liked him.

“Chanyeol, listen to me!” Suho cried. “You can’t do this!”

“Hey, he was just acting on his feelings! It’s romantic,” Kyungsoo countered.

“Oh yeah, and I suppose you and Kai got together by him suddenly kissing you one day,” Suho snapped, rolling his eyes.

“I would have been fine with it, because I liked him already,” Kyungsoo replied, and Kai smiled.

“That’s the difference,” Suho retorted. “Baekhyun has no such feelings for Chanyeol, right?” he said, looking at Baekhyun. Baekhyun just became more flustered as Suho turned back to Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol, you can’t kiss people whenever you want to. Are you even listening to me?” Suho said again, and Chanyeol just stared ahead. He didn’t want to be causing such an uproar. He liked Baekhyun, that was all. He didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.

Kris walked into the kitchen, followed by Tao, who was rubbing his eyes. He said something to Lay, and then pushed his way to the middle of the kitchen, standing next to Tao.

“What happened?” Kris asked, looking around. Suho glared at him as Luhan let out a small giggle.

Finally, Chen opened his mouth.

“Well, it seems that Chanyeol-”

“HE KISSED ME,” Baekhyun cried, but Chanyeol didn’t look at him. He was still confused as to why everyone was into this. He’d been alone in the kitchen with Baekhyun only moments before, and suddenly everyone was becoming part of their issue.

“Oh,” Kris replied.

“I told him that he can’t just go around and kiss whomever he pleases,” Suho said seriously, “but he’s just standing there and not saying anything.” Kris nodded. Baekhyun made a blubbering noise and was fidgeting while his face got redder and redder.

“But…Baekhyun,” Tao piped up, and everyone stopped talking. Chanyeol looked at Tao curiously. “Did you mind?”

“Eh?” Suho asked, looking back to Baekhyun, “of course he did, right Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun responded by resuming his fidgeting and making strange noises.

“What are you doing?” Lay asked, pushing towards the middle of the circle. “Baekhyun, seriously. Calm down.”

Baekhyun closed his eyes, collecting himself, and his calm state lasted for all of fifteen seconds before he went back to exactly what he’d been doing. This was part of the reason Chanyeol loved him. The bounciness and sugariness that was Baekhyun was Chanyeol’s favorite.

“Baekhyun,” Tao said again, and Baekhyun looked at him. Suddenly he grabbed Tao’s head and pulled it towards his, and Chanyeol’s heart sunk, thinking that Baekhyun was going to kiss Tao.

But it was a whisper in Tao’s ear. Tao’s face was unreadable as Baekhyun told him whatever it was that he had to say.

“Okay,” Tao replied out loud, and everyone else let out their breaths. Chanyeol looked at Tao, and then at Baekhyun, and then back to Tao.

“What’d he say?” Chen and Kyungsoo asked simultaneously. Tao just glanced up at Kris and smiled.

“Let’s go,” Tao said, taking Kris’s hand and walking out the door. The rest suddenly followed, as if Tao had intended for them to do so in the first place. Chanyeol watched as they all filed out of the kitchen, leaving he and Baekhyun to sort out their issues.

The problem was that Baekhyun didn’t seem particularly keen on sorting out anything.

“What did you say to him?” Chanyeol asked after a few moments of silence, but Baekhyun just looked at the ground.

“Why’d you do it?” Baekhyun asked. “I don’t understand.” Chanyeol’s eyes widened. He bent down slightly to look at Baekhyun’s face, which was still facing the floor. Baekhyun looked up at him, just barely making eye contact. “Why?”

“I…I don’t know,” Chanyeol mumbled. “It was just an impulse.”

“No such thing,” Baekhyun said. “There’s always a reason behind an impulse.”

“I don’t know,” Chanyeol repeated. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.” Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol, who straightened up at the suddenly intimidating glare he was receiving.

“Don’t apologize,” Baekhyun spat. He turned on his heel and left the kitchen, going into his bedroom and locking the door, which Chanyeol could hear all the way from where he stood.

He was left alone in the kitchen, standing there, completely confused.

He’d been so sure that Baekhyun liked him back that suddenly, having been scolded by Suho and completely shut down by Baekhyun, he didn’t know what to do.

They avoided each other for about two weeks. It was the most awkward thing Chanyeol had ever experienced. They’d make eye contact constantly, possibly more than when they were talking to each other, and then suddenly they’d look away, embarrassed.

For those two weeks, Chanyeol ate more cake than ever, yet somehow that rush of sugar wouldn’t come to him.

The others noticed something was up, but nobody ever did anything, and Chanyeol didn’t understand why. When talking to Chanyeol, it seemed that Baekhyun was a forbidden topic. He felt as though they were conspiring against him, and he felt lonelier than ever.

“Chanyeol, if you keep eating all that cake, you’re going to get fat,” Kyungsoo said, handing Chanyeol an apple and taking away his cake. “Eat this instead.”

“Not sweet enough,” Chanyeol complained, plopping his chin on the table.

“Your dentist is going to hate you too. Or love you, I guess, since he’s going to get rich off of you at this rate,” Kyungsoo continued.

“I just want to be myself again,” Chanyeol sighed, and Kyungsoo looked at him.

“Cake’s going to help?” he asked.

“It usually does,” Chanyeol replied. “But somehow I can’t seem to get my liveliness back.”

Kyungsoo sighed, knowing what Chanyeol was referring to, but unable to speak of it.

“Maybe you’re taking in the wrong kind of sugar,” Kyungsoo said simply as he left the kitchen to find Kai. Chanyeol sat up.

“Wrong kind of sugar?” he wondered aloud. “But…”

He looked around the kitchen, and there were empty plates everywhere, with only traces of frosting and cake crumbs. Cake didn’t help at all. It was what he’d always had, and he was always bouncy. Cake didn’t make a difference either way.

His happiness came from a different kind of sugar.

Finally, after those two painfully long weeks, he decided he would confront Baekhyun.

“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol pleaded, “why won’t you talk to me?” He followed Baekhyun into their room, but Baekhyun just walked around Chanyeol back out the door. Chanyeol followed him anyway. “You keep avoiding me; can’t we just talk?”

“Why do you want to talk?” Baekhyun asked in annoyance, walking back into the room. Chanyeol closed the door and stood in front of it, so that Baekhyun couldn’t leave. “Chanyeol, let me out.”

“I want to talk because we haven’t talked in ages,” Chanyeol said, still blocking the door.

“So?” Baekhyun said. “Is there any reason for us to talk? Why did we ever talk?”

“Because we’re friends!” Chanyeol cried. “We’re friends, we’re roommates, and we’re classmates. If that isn’t a reason to talk, I don’t know what is.”

“Let me leave, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said again, but Chanyeol shook his head.

“I don’t want to.”

“I’m older than you!” Baekhyun said, grabbing the doorknob around Chanyeol’s waist. “Let me out! Show some respect!”

“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol sighed, “I miss talking to you. I miss being friends. I regret what I did that day because we don’t even acknowledge each other anymore.” Baekhyun looked startled, and he let go of the doorknob.

“You regret it?” Baekhyun asked softly. Chanyeol nodded. “But…why?” Chanyeol looked up at him, slightly confused.

“I just told you why,” Chanyeol replied, “because it made you mad and now you won’t talk to me. I’m sor-”

“Don’t apologize, I already told you,” Baekhyun said, and suddenly his expression was softer than it had been before. “Chanyeol, the kiss isn’t the reason I was mad.”

“It’s not?” Chanyeol asked, looking at Baekhyun, who had a tiny smile on his face.

“No,” Baekhyun replied, and Chanyeol was still confused.

“Then why were-are-you mad?” Chanyeol asked.

“It’s because you didn’t know why you kissed me,” Baekhyun explained simply.

“But…” Chanyeol stuttered, and Baekhyun stepped closer to Chanyeol.

“Tell me why,” Baekhyun said softly, his beautiful face looking up at Chanyeol. “Just tell me why.”

“I don’t k-”

“You know,” Baekhyun cut him off. “You know. And so do I. I just want to hear it from you.”

“You mean…” Chanyeol stuttered, and Baekhyun’s eyes egged him on.

“Just tell me, Chanyeollie,” Baekhyun said gently, and suddenly Chanyeol felt reassured. He’d known all along what to say.

“It’s because I like you,” he whispered, and Baekhyun smiled brightly. Baekhyun’s arms snaked around Chanyeol’s torso as they leaned against the door.

“I like you too,” Baekhyun sighed happily, his head against Chanyeol’s chest. “I can hear your heartbeat. It’s beating really fast.”

“How can it not be beating really fast?” Chanyeol said, feeling that sugary sensation running through his blood vessels again. “I’m excited.”

“For what?” Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol grinned his perfect grin.

“This,” he said, leaning down to kiss Baekhyun again. It was more perfect this time, longer, deeper, and he could taste the sugariness of Baekhyun’s tongue. He loved sweetness.

“Why’d you kiss me, Chanyeollie?” Baekhyun asked, looking up at Chanyeol with a smile on his face, pulling Chanyeol closer to him.

“Because I like you,” Chanyeol said confidently, kissing Baekhyun again. “I like you.”

part 2 >>

rating: pg, genre: fluff, fandom: exo, series: two weeks without sugar, length: twoshot, pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol

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