Jan 27, 2008 22:03
So, the second episode of Torchwood series 2 - Sleeper, by James Moran. And the thing which really stands out for me about this episode is the direction - because it was appalling. The actors were generally spot on as usual, but the camera work! Good gracious...it was like watching an episode of The Naked Chef...random zoomy close ups, things artistically out of focus in an irritating way, and the camera juddering around and missing things or cutting bits of peoples' faces off...it was absolutely terrible. Usually I don't even notice what the camera's doing - but in this episode it was annoyingly obvious. OK, rant over (probably).
I really like the dynamic between Gwen and Owen. I know I don't mention it much (mainly because Gwen infuriates me 99% of the time), but I've always liked how those two interact onscreen. They've been through all these interesting stages - first there was the mick-taking and irritation, which of course was covering up all that sexual tension, and then cannibals shoved them together (which would be an excellent story to tell the kids), and they were acting couple-y with lots of banter. Then of course Diane occured and Owen grew up a bit and moved on, and even though Gwen was annoyed, she accepted the change. And this series, they've got to that comfortable place that you reach after all the sexy stuff - they work well together, there's still the banter and occasional power struggle, but they're good around each other. I don't reckon they're ever going to be a canon couple again, and I'm alright with that because they weren't exactly my OTP (I think we all know who my TW OTP is). Despite not liking Gwen as a character, I'm perfectly willing to say that Eve Myles is a talented actress, and the way she plays off Burn Gorman is always fascinating and entertaining to watch.
Gareth David Lloyd was on top form yet again. I don't know whether Ianto's getting all the best lines or whether he just makes them all brilliant somehow, but whatever it is, I hope it continues. So let's pause for a moment to consider all of Ianto's best bits in this particular episode. The sarky, smirky moment when Jack actually growled at him, only slightly spoilt by the bizarre, awkward camera work (obviously I haven't quite finished ranting about that one then). Popping from the tower - 'we don't sniff the subetheric resonator'. 'Oh right, their heads must explode all the time'. 'Nobody knows more than I do'. 'I know everything! And it says so on the bottom of the screen'. And offering Gwen his arm when she was all upset about Beth - ever the gentleman, our Ianto. *happy sigh*
Ianto also seemed to be involved in a bit of intriguing glance work. The moment when he pretended to be electrocuted whilst strapped into that chair (mmm bondage) was complemented by a point from Jack and an eyeroll from Owen, which made my mind go 'OT3?!' And there was this one bit right at the end - Jack was coming out of his office after being stabbed (which there was still visual evidence of), and Ianto was carrying that probe...then there was this slight pause while Ianto just looked at Jack - I have no idea how to describe that look. It was a bit like concern and slight annoyance. Annoyed that Jack got himself hurt again, perhaps? Or reading too much into it? Or buggered continuity again? Interpret it as you will, I suppose. ^^
So oddly, the character I least liked in this episode was Jack himself. I thought he was far too 'srs bzns' - too hard (no sniggering, ladies), too harsh, too close minded. *sigh* I thought Jack was supposed to be a little more like his old self this series...but I think Nez did point out, fairly enough, that the content of the episode needed him to be the strong, serious one. He just seemed a little *too* unrelenting - Jack's not completely devoid of empathy. But it did make me happy that Jack wasn't srs bzns when he was talking to Ianto, because I'm a soppy fangirl.
On another note, Nez thought that Beth had too much skin under her eyes. Other than that physical oddity though, let's have a round of applause for Beth. She was very normal and very scared without being irritating. She reacted in a way which I think most of us would react. We might like to imagine that if we were ever in the Hub, we'd throw ourselves into it and become big tought action men, but we're all more likely to quiver around a bit and wish it wasn't happening to us. The pain in the mind probe scene was also very well acted, and Beth's normal, gentle nature was an excellent contrast with the cold professionalism of the sleeper agent.
And yes, I know that I've left out Tosh (which is very rude of me), but I get the feeling I'll have plenty to say about her next week...I will say that Tosh seems a lot more confident and sure of herself in this series - she's being a bit naughtier and seems more a part of the team, which is fantastic to see. Can't wait to see more evidence of this character development next week.
The special effects in this episode were, quite frankly, awe-inspiring. The arm prosthetics were damn near flawless, and I also loved the in-body CGI - it reminded me a lot of House, which was quite a comforting feeling. I do miss House. The blood was scarily realistic (and there was *a lot* of it - how on Earth would they go about making it kiddie friendly? Did anyone watch the pre-watershed version? I'm gonna have to remember to check it out one of these days...).
Owen's potplant!!! ^^
This episode made me realise a bit that, however much I may dislike her at times, you really do need Gwen there. You need her there to just be human, to be compassionate and empathetic and all of these wonderful things that she exemplifies (sometimes to an unrealistic extent), because otherwise - well, you've got srs bzns Jack, sarcastic almost to the point of cruelty Owen, restrained Ianto, and well-meaning but still a little socially awkward Tosh. Gwen is a very necessary member of the team - you do actually need her humanising influence to soften all the bloody, violent, psychologically disturbing edges. I hope I can appreciate her that much in every future episode.
God bless the telephone mime. *snuggles Ianto*
Anyone else notice the Welsh dragon painted on the wall of the Hub? I thought that was a nice touch.
Owen's reaction to the end of the world - 'let's all have sex' - was brilliant, and so in character. And there should be fic. Actually, there probably already is fic. But I have a few things to mention about the nuclear missile plot - 1) it's been done before. Using our own weapons against us was the whole concept of the Slitheen's dastardly plans, was it not? And 2) would Jack die for good if he got blown into little radioactive bits?
Also, another question - if the sleeper agents know everything about Torchwood and scones and Jack, then why don't they know his real name?
The ending of this episode was perfect - I don't think it could've ended any other way. Beth showed that she could be strong, underneath it all, and there was a sort of nobility to her almost-suicide. I wasn't pleased with yet another Gwen/Jack deep and meaningful chat though - although the pirate accent almost made it all worthwhile.
So all in all, another great episode that felt better paced than the absolutely jam packed first episode. It was sadly lacking in Rhys and PC Andy, but that's just how things go sometimes. I also have two remaining comments from the phone conversation me and Nez had after the episode. One has become an injoke of sorts - Nez's dad interrupted our conversation to let us both know that Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who. And somehow that turned into me saying 'Bobby Davro can do anagrams'. (Which he can.)
And whilst talking about all the blood in this episode, Nez said that she liked the fact that the Torchwood production team don't shy away from showing blood on the telly. In fact, she remarked something along the lines of: 'There's not enough blood on normal TV. They all go "nonono, we can't have blood, let's have CUSTARD pouring out of them instead!!"' God bless her.
And am I the only one who misses the hand? I wonder what Jack did with it...
On a sillier note, I have a copy of Jack's timetable to share with you. It's only a rough copy, and there is a bit of wiggle room in there, but this is basically how Jack likes to spend his days.
Wake up
Flirt with Ianto
Brood a bit
Deep and meaningful talk with Gwen
Flirt with Ianto
Stand on rooftop
Bedtime Sexyteim
Hope y'all had lovely weekends. xxx