Feb 05, 2014 22:16
Just a heads up. My domain, crosszeria-luka.net is currently offline. So everything under crosszeria-luka is affected. The reason is 2 of my sub-domain got hacked and I'm worried they'll take over the whole domain. So, I took them off. I've reported it to my service provider, but no answer. As usual, they're slow responding to customers. Urghhh.....
Anyways, I did some google-ing and found out the group who hacked my sites are an anti-Israeli group who attacked government websites. So, I don't really get why they hacked mine, which is merely a fansite/fanlisting. Though, I think it's because of the domain name had the words cross in it? I don't know. Luckily, my 1 year subscriptions will end this May, so I'm taking the chance to change my domain name this month. The sooner the better. I just can't take it anymore. I've already informed TFL & TAFL about my problem and they gave me a month and if I didn't solved it within the time, just let them know so they could extend it. Which is something I'm grateful for. The sub-domain that got hacked are actually my Fanlisting Collective & Enthusiast (for managing my fanlisting). And seeing Enthusiast was affected, this is the only choice I had. Hopefully, I'll have everything back up by the end of this month.
random rambling